
metamusic app

  • earthmuse

    earthmuse - 2010-02-25

    how do i go about creating a metamusic kind of cd with this app? i'm interested in developing a cd that has an entrainment channel, background music, plus an additional audio channel that has messaging in it.

  • gnaural

    gnaural - 2010-02-26

    if you mean how do you mix music, binaural-beats, and (subliminal) messaging, this is very easy using Gnaural:
    1) create a WAV audio file on your computer comprising the music you want as backgroud
    2) create a WAV audio file on your computer comprising the messaging you want the user to hear
    3) Open Gnaural, and (assuming for now you are using the default Gnaural binaural beat track), import both audio files as "Voices"
    4) Seth the volumes of each Audio Voice to where you want them via the Graph View "Volume." You might also want to set the stereo balance via that Graph View "Stereo Bal."
    5) Use Gnaural's File->Export to Audio File function to mix the tracks together in to a new WAV file that you can then burn to CD

    - to import a WAV audio file as a voice, do
      1) Edit->Voice->Add
      2) Click on the "Choose Audio File" button, choose your file
      3) Click on the Voice Type list and choose "Audio File"
    - Gnaural will repeat Audio File voices that are shorter than the total duration of the schedule; if you really need
      the schedule to stop at the end of one of the Audio File voices, truncate the schedule to the length of the file by:
        Tools->Truncate Schedule
    - To create your messaging file, and also (if desired) your music file, freeware Audacity is a great choice because it exports to WAV files that are well tested with Gnaural:


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