
#6 set_is_not_member missing in recent releases


I recently updated to the latest version of GMSL in a few repos that were previously using version 1.0.11 to fix the following error when using make 3.81 or earlier:

*** missing separator

This seems to have resolved that issue, however it looks as though the set_is_not_member function was removed at some point, which some parts of the repos' makeflows rely on. Unfortunately Make doesn't report an error if you call a function that is not defined so they now silently produce unexpected errors that can be hard to trace.

I was wondering what the reasoning was behind that? Can it be added back into the library for backwards compatibility?




  • John Graham-Cumming

    I'm confused. Was there ever a set_is_not_member function? I've looked through the history and it didn't exist when sets were added:

    Is it possible that you might have added it yourself? Or perhaps I'm going crazy?

  • Adam Shapiro

    Adam Shapiro - 2014-12-19

    Huh. Honestly, yes it is possible that I added it and completely forgot. I think I added GMSL to this make flow originally in like 2009/2010 and we've been using the same version ever since. Probably fair to say this is definitely not a bug... Feature request?

  • John Graham-Cumming

    • assigned_to: John Graham-Cumming
  • John Graham-Cumming

    Yes. Feature request sounds good. I'll add it and make a release.

  • John Graham-Cumming

    Ticket moved from /p/gmsl/bugs/17/

  • Adam Shapiro

    Adam Shapiro - 2014-12-19

    Awesome, thanks!

  • John Graham-Cumming

    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: v1.0_(example) --> Next_Release_(example)
  • John Graham-Cumming

    set_is_not_member added in v1.1.7 released today.


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