
gmotion-control / News: Recent posts

gmotion-control 0.4 is out

version 0.4 of gmotion-control is out , this version updates the GUI to be synchronised with the new parameters introduced in motion-3.2.4.

Posted by Angel Carpintero 2006-01-10

screenshots for 0.3

The screenshots has been updated for gmotion-control 0-3 , showing the new features like : webcam stream , cameras streams , events and the new layout.

Posted by Angel Carpintero 2005-09-27

gmotion-control 0.3 released

This new release has a lot of improvements from 0.2.1 , many features added and many bugfixes.

- Layout changed ( still not fixed ).
- Integrated with many fixes from original code gmotionlive.
- Added Up to get 16 stream cameras.
- A major feature added , "Events" this allow gmotion-control
to get events from motion and show pictures and movies ( only local mode ).

Posted by Angel Carpintero 2005-09-26

gmotion-control-0.2.1 out !

I've update version 0.2 to 0.2.1 with some fixes and some news features still buggy though ... next release will be synced with last stable version of motion , 3.2.3 .

Posted by Angel Carpintero 2005-08-18

gmotion-control-0.2 download corrupted

This package is corrupted , in a few days a new formal release will be uploaded.

Posted by Angel Carpintero 2005-08-17

gmotion-control-0.2 out !

gmotion-control-0.2 is out , this version still is a beta but should work quite well , there're many things to fix .

Posted by Angel Carpintero 2005-06-28

Screenshots Added

After the pre-Alpha version has been uploaded to CVS , i've posted some screenshots for the proyect.

Posted by Angel Carpintero 2005-06-17

Pre-Alpha Version from CVS

Project already has a Pre-Alpha version , that you can download from CVS .
At the moment gmotion-control can get / set config values but are missing error handlers yet.

Posted by Angel Carpintero 2005-06-16

First import to CVS

The Initial version of gmotion-control v 0.1 has been imported to CVS . This version just READ the config setting from http control interface and fill the Widgets.

Posted by Angel Carpintero 2005-06-15