
#1 Features Auto Selection



We have some people who wanted something not handled by
the Generic Genome Browser : the ability to distinguish
Forward/Reverse features, and to have the choice of
having them selected or not.

The solution found is the following : we have dubbed
all types, forward types are labeled with "_Forward" in
the source config file, and reverse types are labeled
with "_Reverse".

Example :


Some Javascript code has been added to the generated
output of the Generic Genome Browser, in order to
handle this selection. In fact, we now have a new row
under the features list, with a menu which can tell
which features (forward,reverse,both,none, all features
or no features) are to be (des)activated. The "Update
Image" button has been duplicated, in order to make the
interface still easy to understand.

This solution is not very elegant, but this is the only
one we had in mind, as we want to do only minor changes
to the Generic Genome Browser code. Another way to
proceed could be a new field in the database
(forward/reverse) : the Generic Genome Browser could
then have the ability to draw only objects matching the
chosen features.

As promised, here is the patch from our slightly
modified code.

Best regards,



  • Franck Aniere

    Franck Aniere - 2002-08-20

    Patch to add the Features Auto Select panel

  • Scott Cain

    Scott Cain - 2002-10-24
    • assigned_to: nobody --> lstein
  • Allen Day

    Allen Day - 2005-01-07
    • assigned_to: lstein --> mwz444
  • Ben Faga

    Ben Faga - 2005-01-11
    • assigned_to: mwz444 --> scottcain