
New website

Thanks to many weeks of work by Brian Osborne and several others, there
is a new GMOD wiki <> that is poised to become the
new The old site (the one powered by Drupal) will remain
as and I will continue to use it to write weekly
progress reports, and I encourage others to do the same, to facilitate
writing longer progress reports when necessary (and it always is :-)

I have worked for a while writing Apache mod_rewrite rules so that most
URLs that currently work will continue to work when the change takes
place. If you find non-working URLs, please let me know so I can fix
them. Typically, if I don't have a specific rule for a given url, you
will get the 'You can create this page' in wiki, and you can feel free
to do exactly that if you think it is necessary.

During the transition, some requests for URLs may resolve
to, which is the name of the server that is hosting the
wiki. This should be a transient issue and will go away after the DNS
requests have propagated around the world.

Finally, about accounts: currently, you must have an account to edit
pages on the wiki, but accounts are given out freely. While we have not
really done much advertising of this site, it has already gotten some
wiki-spam, so I suspect at some point in the near future we will require
users to ask for an account and then the request will be granted by
someone with admin privileges.

Happy wiki'ing!

Posted by Scott Cain 2007-04-12

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