
CMap 0.16 Released

Hi everyone,

Version 0.16 of CMap has been released.

You can get the new version from SourceForge,

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Changes include:
- Updated menus to be more intuitive
- Added AJAX to load the comparative maps menu separately to speed up
- Added more options to opening menu
- Caches the first view of a map (before sessions are invoked)
- Removed cluster correspondence option
- Bug fixes
- Added chado synchronization tools
- Added commas to the matrix
- Some query optimization
- Added script to order, orient and stack relational maps based on a
reference map for easier viewing
- Allow for custom map size
- Modified the make name correspondence code to work with really large
- Modified the delete duplicate correspondence code for speed
- Allow for multiple installations on the same machine


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Posted by Scott Cain 2006-06-14

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