From: RAJAONISON A. <mir...@ya...> - 2020-02-11 16:53:43
Hi all, It seems like i can't use chado gmod_bulk_load inside a bash script even. Can someone enlighten me on that ? Thank you for in advance Miharimamy I get the following when I execute this command : $ chado-1.31/load/bin/ --organism "acinetobacter" --gfffile acinetobacter/GCF_000018445.1/GCF_000018445.1_ASM1844v1_genomic.gff.sorted -fastafile acinetobacter/GCF_000018445.1/GCF_000018445.1_ASM1844v1_genomic.fna --dbname chado --dbuser chadousr --dbpass <password> DBD::Pg::st fetchrow_array failed: no statement executing at /usr/local/share/perl5/Bio/GMOD/DB/ line 1209, <GEN0> line 2. "acinetobacter" organism not found in the database at /home/bee/chado-1.31/load/bin/ line 749, <GEN0> line 2. Abnormal termination, trying to clean up... Trying to remove the run lock (so that --remove_lock won't be needed)... Exiting... The same command gives executed in my current shell gives me : Unable to find srcfeature NC_010611.1 in the database. Perhaps you need to rerun your data load with the '--recreate_cache' option. at /usr/local/share/perl5/Bio/GMOD/DB/ line 4605, <GEN0> line 2. Bio::GMOD::DB::Adapter::src_second_chance('Bio::GMOD::DB::Adapter=HASH(0x2a9 b0f8)', 'Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated=HASH(0x2cfae70)') called at chado-1.31/load/bin/ line 851 Abnormal termination, trying to clean up... Attempting to clean up the loader temp table (so that --recreate_cache won't be needed)... Trying to remove the run lock (so that --remove_lock won't be needed)... Exiting... |