From: Stephen F. <spf...@gm...> - 2018-11-05 17:07:29
Dear Tripal Community, Due to some scheduling issues we were not able to schedule our regular Tripal User's Meeting for tomorrow Nov 6th. As per our last User's Meeting and previous email it was our intention to move our monthly meeting to Tuesdays from Fridays to allow for more involvement from our European colleagues. So, we would like to have our meeting next Tuesday instead rather than skip the month of November. I apologize for the inconvenience of moving the meeting. I hope we can still have good participation. The meeting will be held Nov 13th at 8am US Pacific, 10am Regina Canada, 12 US Eastern, 5pm European Central. You can find the meeting time in other areas at this link: (But with changes in daylight savings time please verify I have not incorrectly listed your time) The Tripal User's meeting will last 45-60 minutes followed by a second meeting related to Tripal v4 and our Python pilot project. All are invited to attend both meetings. Meeting connection details follow below: See you then, Stephen *Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:* Or iPhone one-tap : US: +14086380968,,455940438# or +16468769923,,455940438# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 455 940 438 International numbers available: |