
GML Raytracer / News: Recent posts


Just so all my fans know, this project is basically dead. I have moved on to something knew where I'll be ripping a huge part out of this ray tracer and meshing it with another huge part from a teamates raytracer, sprinkle in a bit of implicit surfaces to get "Raycer - Implicit Surface Modeler" ... its basically just a more advanced continuation of this projects ... take a look, its hosted here on sourceforge!

Posted by Justin Pahl 2002-03-15

New Direction

Ok... I'm back from europe and had a few months to contemplate the direction of this project. The major problem is memory leekage and the construction of a cross-platform GUI. So what is a great language that solves both these problems? ... ... Java! Now I'm not writing this raytracer to be fast so don't start on me with all that talk :) I just though I would let anybody who cares know that the next source update should be the re-write of the entire codebase in Java. Shouldn't be to difficult just a lot of cut and past with a little bit of code reworking ... cross your fingers :) ... read more

Posted by Justin Pahl 2001-12-04

Still Alive

Just letting everyone know that the project is still going on. I just discovered that this memory change I'm working on was MUCH bigger then expected involving a major rewrite of much of the code.

However their still are some unassigned bugs/features that anyone who feels up to it is welcome to snatch up. Just make sure that any code changes you do are marked in the format outlined in the doc section of this webpage.... read more

Posted by Justin Pahl 2001-07-18

Time to think up a name

We need to think up a snappy, catchy, cool name for the raytracer that will spark even more development interest then its allready created. Anybody ideas send to

Posted by Justin Pahl 2001-07-07

Revamp memory model

I'm currently working on a major upgrade to the way we handle memory managment in our project. So the activity statistic will probally drop since I won't be checking in the code until I get all the bugs worked out ata: 1 week

Posted by Justin Pahl 2001-07-06


Finally got off my ass and started up a Sourceforge project. Anybody is welcome to join. This is all in the spirt of fun with the main goal of learning about the complexities of modeling an object in 3D space.

Posted by Justin Pahl 2001-06-28