Bump version to 2.8.1
fix(dark): Possible fix of a bug with ComboBox in dark mode
Add batch track selection by number
Overwrite Filename Option
Add batch track selection by number
Inconsistency in video second delay for input file info
Sincronize audios - need help
Dark Theme
Dark Theme
This has been added in v2.8.0, enjoy 🤗
Bump version to 2.8.0 and copyright year to 2025
Switch to using unboxed types
- Add support for Dark Mode
Bump version to 2.7.0 and copyright year to 2024
Add explicit support for AV1 video codec
Add support for appending input files via drag and drop
- Make the success dialog popup appear as top most form across desktop
- Add new placeholder for directory separator in Options
This program will extract audio from MKV file, and it's title will have the inner delay used in original MKV file. Example, after extracting, audio name is "MyVideo_track2_[eng]_ DELAY 50ms.mp2" . In this example, track2 has 50ms delay. There's no setting, just read audio filename.
Add batch track selection by number
I can't really help, but I gotta ask, where did you get the portable version?
Bump version to 2.6.4 and copyright year to 2023
Dark Theme
Dark Theme
Add final Trim when generating the output filename (thanks tormento!)
Minor optimizations in form code
Minor code optimizations
Bump version to 2.6.3
Fix converting nanoseconds to milliseconds when calculating delays from mkvinfo output
Bad GUI formatting with UHD monitor
Thanks for the feedback :)
That works. Thank you very much. Feel free to close this. It's a great app!
OK, I see, this is because the minimum allowed dimensions of the app are too small for your scale. You can resize the app to the minimum dimensions that are good for you, and it will "remember" it afterwards ;) Please try it and tell me if that solves your problem :) PS. Unfortunately if I change the minimum allowed size, then it will create issues to other users who use 100% scale (I had a request some years ago to allow for this small minimum size)
Here you go. I'm not a C# guy otherwise I would help. I got high DPI working fine for DGIndexNV. If you can't test then don't worry about it, I can maximize it.
Here you go. I'm not a C# guy otherwise I would help. I got high DPI working fine for DGIndexNV.
Here you go.
Hello, please post a screenshot of how the app is rendered on such a high resolution, unfortunately I don't have such equipment myself to test it.
Bad GUI formatting with UHD monitor
Sent you a couple of Beer for releasing me from the woe's of MKVExtractGUI2 Bill
Bump version to 2.6.2
Improve track selection when filter value is an empty string. Optimize algo to avoid unnecessary comparisons.
Fix attachment filename for all cases. (Thanks mastrboy!)
Bump version to 2.6.1
Replace invalid file characters with underscore character ('_') from output filename
Bump version to 2.6.0 and copyright year to 2022
- Add Language IETF in the available filename pattern fields
- Add Language IETF in context menu
- Switch to unboxed types
Revert async await to avoid breaking Linux compatibility
Inconsistency in video second delay for input file info
*turn the count thing off.
Sincronize audios - need help
Hello. I actually downloaded this program thanks to this speech at the main site: Finds the audio track's delay relative to video and writes it to the extracted filename. Since I've been using MKVToolNix GUI to create my "own" movies mixing different audios I was interested on doing it easier (I've been using VLC to check the seconds' difference + MKVToolNix to finally create the right audio). My point is that I can't find how to do it in this new program and I'd really appreciate some help with...
Overwrite Filename Option
GUI consumes 100% of CPU while jobs are running
This should be solved in latest commit https://sourceforge.net/p/gmkvextractgui/code/198/ New version should be up soon. ;) Thanks for the feedback! :)
- Add async-await pattern via Nuget Package for .NET 4
GUI consumes 100% of CPU while jobs are running
Bump version to 2.5.2
Fix Equals override in MKV objects
- Bump version and copyright year
- Fix finding delays with newer mkvinfo versions
Bump version to v2.5.0
- Set the options form info text
- Fix typos
Thanks for the feedback! New version (v2.5) will support this feature (already in trunk with commit r190).
Cover attachments file name
Thanks for the feedback! New version (v2.5) will support this feature.
- Check if a file with the same filename already exists before extracting and add a counter to the output filename to avoid overwritting the original file
Cover attachments file name
- Support zero padding when replacing filename placeholders for Track ID, Track Number and Attachment ID
- Added new "Options" form to support custom output filename patterns (WIP)
- Add new properties in gMKVTrack and adjust the parsers
- Refactor Taskbar helper
- Add logging to Log form exceptions
- Improvements on double buffering for all custom controls (avoid flickering when resizing)
- Improvements on RichTextBox
- Improvements on DataGridView in Jobs Form