
GMGen 3.3pre4 Released

GMGen 3.3Pre4 has been released.

Project home:
Yahoo Group:

GMGen is a Java-based GM's tool that works on multiple platforms
(Windows, Linux, etc). GMGen is a tool for GMs designed to ease
the running of D20 games. Intended for use with PCGen, it allows
GMs work with PCGen sources and characters to do a variety of tasks.

To install GMGen, unzip into it's own directory.
You can run GMGen by executing the gmgen.bat,, or
gmgen.jar files (for systems that support jar execution). On
launch GMGen will ask you for the location of your PCGen
installation. GMGen 3.3pre4 requires PCGen 5.2 or later to work.
(The pcgen.jar in gmgen/lib MUST be of version 5.3.4)

3.3pre4 took a long time, and we made a TON of changes. This release
focused on getting two new plugins: Notes and Overland Travel up
and running, Preferences dialogs working, and many many fixes and features
being added to Initiative. (Subdual Damage, Massive Damage, Saves, saving
of a combat, etc)

The Notes system allows people to import and export Noted files (*.gmn).
GMGen will support and distribute certain notes trees, starting with this
release. Our first one is the 3.5 SRD. Look for the 3.0 SRD and the MSRD
in the near future.

Mac OS X has stabilized alot for GMGen. Keep submitting bugs for stuff
you find.

GMGen 3.3pre5 will be focused purely on bug fixes so we can get to 3.3rc1.
3.3pre5 will be the last release before 3.3 release candidates.
Then we start on 3.4!


GMGen Core:
Bug Fixes:
764355 menu items not in Mac OS X Menu bar
775022 All Mac OS X tabs are enabled at start
775026 Mac OS X source triangles don't twist

790844 Create Splash Screen on load
754089 Create plugin aware preferences panel

Initiative - Combat Tracker
Bug Fixes:
766118 characters are dying at negative con
766120 you can only add creatures with 100 hp
771748 Order combatants by dex
774318 Log says all enemies died when some alive
774365 create an abstract class for Combatant

754629 Add delete dead button
760640 Add CR to 'Add Combatant' button
766117 Add massive damage
771441 Add subdual damage
771442 Auto Stabilize
771738 Rework the 'Add Combatant' dialog
771745 Display round and initiative
771749 Cache save info for XMLCombatants
771750 Add saving throws
772437 Pop up dialog when an event finishes
776058 Add pane that summarizes events
776059 Allow events to be hidden
779214 Move to using only one object paradigm to represent people
779907 Adjust Massive Damage based on size
790841 Allow Saving in Initiative

Doomsday Book - Random Name Generator
No changes

Encounter - Planned and Random encounter generator
Bug Fixes:
754628 Encounter screen should resize gracefully
775055 Mac OS X; Encounter Tab; Enviroment menu

791414 Get rid of hit point rolling dialogs, and just roll

Experience - Experience Calculator and assignment utility
Bug Fixes:
776047 show CR, not level for enemies

779223 Make assigning experience less 'clunky'

Character Tracker
Bug Fixes:

771736 Load multiple pcgs

* Notes - Note system to keep track of any campaign/world data

* Overland Travel - Calculators for in game travel time and expenses

Bug Fixes
760639 move all treasure xml documents to dtd

* - New Plugin

The following plugins have been created, but are not considered to be of release

Treasure - Treasure generator, with ability to produce
intelligent/cursed items - not functioning well enough for release

The GMGen Development Team

Posted by Devon Jones 2003-08-19

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