
Visual debugging with GLOBE_3D

Texture names:

Portal labels:

This is obtained by toggling the options in this package:

package GLOBE_3D.Options is

  -- Visual checks:

  show_normals        : constant Boolean:= False;
  show_portals        : constant Boolean:= False;
  show_texture_labels : constant Boolean:= False;
  filter_portal_depth : constant Boolean:= False;

  -- Formal checks:

  full_check_objects  : constant Boolean:= False;
  strict_geometry     : constant Boolean:= False;

  -- Misc.:
  portal_tracking     : constant Boolean:= True;
  BSP_tracking        : constant Boolean:= True;

  function Is_debug_mode return Boolean;

  arrow_inflator: constant:= 10.0;

end GLOBE_3D.Options;
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2016-06-21

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