
1.5 versus 1.4

  • yves

    yves - 2007-02-28


    I'm searching for an simple SVG Editor opensource,
    that may be easily installed on Windows XP and on Linux RedHat 3 and 4.
    That's why i'm so interested in glips Grafity !

    I have downloaded version 1.5 and executed it on JVM 1.6
    I have  also 'webstarted' version 1.4 from itris website.
    It's very strange ... Version 1.4 seems much better than version 1.5 for a 'simple' user...
    I think of drawing eclipse and circles are now merged ( why not ...) .
    But drawing of simple lines or polylines have dissapeared.
    Insertion of images is now grayed out.
    Is it normal ?  Is there something wrong in GLIPSGrafittiSVGOnly.jar ?

    Another simple question ..
    My version is in french. Is this because the language of my PC is in french , or is it the only available language ?

    Best regards
    Yves Peremans

    • Jordi

      Jordi - 2007-02-28

      Some shape tools have indeed been merged :
      - if you want to draw a circle, select the ellipse tool and enable the "Keep ratio" option (it works the same for drawing rectangles).
      - if you want to draw lines or polylines, select the path tool.
      Image insertion can only be done when svg files are saved (the uri of the inserted image is relative to the parent image).
      If your system language is French, GLIPSGraffiti will display the french version, otherwise, the English version will be displayed (we used to have a Chinese version 中国文, but it wasn't up to date).


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