
#45 Handling of first line in CSV file import

Nigel Horne

Some CSV files use the first line to mean the field name.
It would be useful to have an option, when importing,
to use that


  • Jim Evins

    Jim Evins - 2005-03-04

    Logged In: YES

    Do you mean to give the field keys something more mnemonic
    rather than just 1,2,3...? Or, do you mean skipping the
    line so it doesn't waste a label? In the 2nd case, this can
    be accomplished by deselecting the one line.

  • Nigel Horne

    Nigel Horne - 2005-03-04

    Logged In: YES

    Yes I do mean that, though it should be optional by a tickbox,
    since not all CSV files will have it.

  • Frédéric RUAUDEL

    Logged In: YES

    IMHO, it is a interresting idea but a problem will appear in
    the editing canvas preview. Because if you made a label with
    field that are one digit of barcode for example, if you
    place a ${first_number_barcode} instead of the digit '1' for
    example, it will not render the result you're looking for
    and the strings may overlap (it already happen now with the
    example I give but it is not critically annoying yet). So
    for this feature to be useful, it must have the possibility
    in the text tool options to set a default value that will
    represent the string that will be replaced.

  • Jim Evins

    Jim Evins - 2005-03-05

    Logged In: YES

    Also see Tracker item 990179.

    I like the idea, it actually makes a lot more sense in the
    context of CSV being only one of many possible database

    A similar feature was actually part of the 0.4.x codebase,
    but was simplified for the 2.0.x codebase (it allowed you to
    edit aliases rather than extract them from the underlying
    database structure). I have always felt that the field
    names could and should be more mnemonic but they should be
    based on how they are named in the database. In fact, I
    have assumed that once additional back-ends are created that
    you would end up with an infinite set of possible field
    names. Examples: ${1}, ${first_name},
    ${parent/mother/name/first}, and so on, depending on how
    they are stored in the underlying database. For more
    specific backends, such as the evolution data server, the
    set of field names would be finite. So basically yes this
    idea fits that model.

    As far as the mismatch in size of the field versus the
    contents, the opposite is also true: ${1} could store
    something like "AVeryLongNameThatGoesOnAndOnAndOn," making
    layout annoying as well.

  • Nigel Horne

    Nigel Horne - 2005-03-05

    Logged In: YES

    As for "AVeryLongNameThatGoesOnAndOnAndOn", why not
    make it optional so that you can have ${1} as now, or
    ${"AVeryLongNameThatGoesOnAndOnAndOn"} for the field
    name. The use of quote marks in the second format could be
    used to tell one type from the other.