
terminate called after throwing H::Exception

  • KaZeR

    KaZeR - 2007-07-18

    Hi people. I've discovered gizmod and i'll like to use it with my new powermate.
    I've installed it on my box, following this guide :

    Unfortunately, when i try to run it, i get :

    # gizmod   
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'H::Exception'
      what():  N1H9ExceptionE
    zsh: abort      gizmod

    (happens both as user and root). I can't even launch gizmod -h or whatever, it always dies the same way.

    Thanks in advance for your help :)

    • Tim Burrell

      Tim Burrell - 2007-07-18

      Hmm... did you compile yourself?  What distro?  This is one I've never seen before.  How did you compile (CFLAGS, configure command line?).

      If you are a Gentoo user did you try the ebuild in the sunrise repo?

    • KaZeR

      KaZeR - 2007-07-18

      Hi. Thanks for your so fast reply :)

      I'm a Gentoo user, and i built gizmod using the sunrise overlay.

      My build options follows :

      CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686 -pipe"

      Hope you'll find what's wrong :)

      • Tim Burrell

        Tim Burrell - 2007-07-18

        Well... I have no idea what's wrong.  Could you do the following for me:

        Set your CFLAGS (and CXXFLAGS) to "-O0 -g3 -pipe"

        emerge gizmod
        ulimit -c unlimited
        gizmod -g

        Hopefully it'll dump its core at this point


        gdb `which gizmod` core

        Where core is the corefile (it might be just called core, or it might be something like  core.3598 where 3598 are some random numbers (actually the process ID)).  Just do and ls, and if you see anything called core* that's what you should put in the above command.

        Then, if you've made it to this point you should be in gdb.



        And paste the results.

        If you don't get a core file, I'll have to think of something else.



    • KaZeR

      KaZeR - 2007-07-18

      Here it is :

      (gdb) bt
      #0  0xb7804c91 in kill () from /lib/
      #1  0xb7a12c85 in pthread_kill () from /lib/
      #2  0xb7a12cc6 in raise () from /lib/
      #3  0xb7804a64 in raise () from /lib/
      #4  0xb7805f9c in abort () from /lib/
      #5  0xb79df3f4 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler () from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/
      #6  0xb79dcde5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/
      #7  0xb79dce22 in std::terminate () from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/
      #8  0xb79dcf5a in __cxa_throw () from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/
      #9  0xb7f159b9 in H::FileEventWatcher::FileEventWatcher () from /usr/lib/
      #10 0x080919dc in ?? ()
      #11 0x08080f2d in ?? ()
      #12 0xb77f1d60 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/
      #13 0x08080c21 in ?? ()

      I guess line 9 is the most interesting?

      • Tim Burrell

        Tim Burrell - 2007-07-19

        Thanks a lot for doing this!  That was exactly what I needed to fix the problem.  You must have Inotify enabled in the kernel to run Gizmod.  Now if you run without inotify support you get the following message:

        Unable to Initialize Gizmod :: Failed to Initialize Inotify!
            - Inotify must be compiled into the kernel, or installed as a kernel module
            - Set kernel options CONFIG_INOTIFY, and CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER to yes



    • KaZeR

      KaZeR - 2007-07-19

      I have the exact same bug on my laptop.

      CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686 -pipe"

      Just in case it helps.

      But on a third computer gizmod starts.

      • Tim Burrell

        Tim Burrell - 2007-07-19

        Thanks again for helping track this down.  See the last message I posted and let me know if that helps.



        • KaZeR

          KaZeR - 2007-07-19

          Thanks for your help!

          I added iNotify support to my kernel and now it works :)


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