

Tomas J
  • Tomas J

    Tomas J - 2007-10-19


    I was trying to make my remote to control mouse movement, however I have a problem.

    The event from my remote seems to be properly caught:

    [R] onEvent: LIRC -- /dev/lircd | [0000001447720000] nav-up <pvr> Repeat: 0

    but Gizmod.Mice[1].createEventRaw(GizmoEventType.EV_REL, GizmoMouseAxis.Y, 1) doesn't do anything as opposed to for example Gizmod.Keyboards[0].createEvent(GizmoEventType.EV_KEY, GizmoKey.KEY_2) which behaves like this:

    [R] onEvent: LIRC -- /dev/lircd | [00000020ee61420d] 2 <pvr> Repeat: 0
    onEvent: Standard -- /dev/input/event1 | [EV_KEY] <KEY_2> c: 0x3 v: 0x1
    onEvent: Standard -- /dev/input/event1 | [EV_KEY] <KEY_2> c: 0x3 v: 0x0

    The output after registering the devices is:
    GizmoDaemon v3:3 -=- (c) 2007, Tim Burrell <>
    Debug Mode Enabled

    Registering Devices:

        Standard - Directory [/dev/input]
          Mouse1 - Macintosh mouse button emulation [/dev/input/event0]
        Keyboard - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard [/dev/input/event1]
        Standard - PC Speaker [/dev/input/event2]
          Mouse2 - ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse [/dev/input/event3]
        Standard - saa7134 IR (LifeView FlyVIDEO30 [/dev/input/event4]
        Standard - Power Button (FF) [/dev/input/event5]
        Standard - Power Button (CM) [/dev/input/event6]
            LIRC - LIRC [/dev/lircd]

    where the number following "Mouse" is the index of the device (I changed a bit, so that I can indeed see the indicies: Gizmod.printNiceScriptInit(0, "Mouse" + str(len(Gizmod.Mice) + 1), self.Device.DeviceName, self.Device.FileName)).

    So if I understand well the Gizmo.Mice[1].createEvent(...) is supposed to work like this

    [R] onEvent: LIRC -- /dev/lircd | [0000001447720000] nav-up <pvr> Repeat: 0
    onEvent: Standard -- /dev/input/event3 | [EV_REL] c: 0x1 Val: -0x1

    and mouse cursor should be moving up.

    The driver I'm using in xorg is mouse.

    Please help! Am I doing something wrong? Or is there another problem?

    Thanks a lot.

    • Tomas J

      Tomas J - 2007-10-20

      I'm sorry, it was my fault I had a typo in Event.Button value. It works just fine!

      • Tim Burrell

        Tim Burrell - 2007-10-20

        Good to hear, glad you got this sorted out!

        Don't hesitate to post again should you run into further problems.



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