
Configuration Scripts on amd64

  • wonderdrug

    wonderdrug - 2007-07-13

    Has anyone here been able to get gizmod to run on an amd64 architecture
    (Ubuntu Feisty)?  I managed to get 3.3 to compile and install (after re-building
    the boost libraries with -fPIC), but events are not reaching any of the
    configuration scripts (except for CatchAllDebug -- I do see the debug messages
    printing out the correct events for my keyboard and powermate).


    • wonderdrug

      wonderdrug - 2007-07-13

      Please disregard.  The issue was that I had a USB keyboard
      installed and not a PS/2 keyboard.

      • Tim Burrell

        Tim Burrell - 2007-07-13

        Hmm... Gizmod definitely works with USB keyboards as well as PS/2 ones (I myself use a USB keyboard).  The only catch is you can't use gizmod and X at the same time if you set X to use the evdev driver for the keyboard.

    • wonderdrug

      wonderdrug - 2007-07-13

      First, let me thank you for developing a great piece of software... the more
      I play around with it, the more powerful I realize it is (especially with
      its Python scripting capabilities).

      I'm not using evdev for my keyboard (but am for my mouse -- that may explain
      why I was not able to raise mouse event actions).  The following is the keyboard
      entry in my xorg.conf:

        Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier     "Generic Keyboard"
            Driver         "kbd"
            Option         "CoreKeyboard"
            Option         "XkbRules" "xorg"
            Option         "XkbModel" "pc105"
            Option         "XkbLayout" "us"

      And the following is my (Sun Type 6) keyboard details from /proc/bus/usb/devices:

        T:  Bus=05 Lev=02 Prnt=02 Port=01 Cnt=02 Dev#=  8 Spd=1.5 MxCh= 0
        D:  Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
        P:  Vendor=0430 ProdID=0005 Rev= 2.00
        C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=a0 MxPwr=100mA
        I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID  ) Sub=01 Prot=01 Driver=usbhid
        E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   8 Ivl=10ms

      The problem I was having is with '' evaluating len(Gizmod.Keyboards)
      to '0' if I only had my USB keyboard plugged in.

      Also, I was wondering if there is a way to raise X11 events from within the scripts?


      • Tim Burrell

        Tim Burrell - 2007-07-13

        Thanks for the sentiments!

        Ahhh I see... so yeah the mouse doesn't work then, neither does the keyboard.  I should probably not make that assumption there... adding that to my TODO list.

        By raising X11 events within the scripts what do you mean exactly?  You want to internally create fake X11 events that get sent through the Gizmod message path (like window focus, etc)?  Or do you mean you want to manually set the focus of a window from within a script?

    • wonderdrug

      wonderdrug - 2007-07-13

      The former: I would like to fake X11 events (i.e. Xlib.h->_XEvent) through
      the Gizmod message path.  To be exact, I would like to be able to raise
      XSelection events (e.g. Clear, Request), but could also see value in other
      events such key/button press/release, destroy window, etc.  This would
      allow for some form of window manager and application (e.g. copy/paste)

      • Tim Burrell

        Tim Burrell - 2007-07-14

        This is a great idea!

        I have a feeling that this functionality is already present in python.  For example there is python xlib, and others that may include this.

        Or perhaps one of the python gui toolkits.  For example this code: uses PyGTK to access the selection buffers.

        I'll keep looking into it though, as you're right this would be great functionality to have.  If you run into a good method in the meantime, definitely let me know as well!



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