
Gizmod consumes excessive power

Art O.
  • Art O.

    Art O. - 2011-06-12

    After a small fight to compile Gizmod on 64-bit Debian, and another getting the PowerMate recognized , I realized Gizmod is rather power-hungry.

    $ top shows Gizmod racking up CPU time equivalent to real time (ie over one minute, gizmod uses one minute of CPU time), which wouldn't usually be a problem (this is a desktop with a Core i7 2600K), if it weren't for the fact it wants so much that the CPU ramps up to its full "Turbo Boost" 3.80 GHz  on all cores, draws 24 watts more power, heats the cores up by 5-10 degrees Celsius, and consequently elicits a noticeable response from the CPU fan.

    This is borderline unacceptable, and would be completely unacceptable for a laptop-user.

    $ nice -n 19 gizmod -U -A (disabling CPU Usage measuring, which doesn't work for me anyway, and volume control, which I did use) doesn't increase the CPU temperature as much, but the other measurements are unchanged.

    Any ideas on how to cut its CPU utilization, by 90% maybe?

  • Panther

    Panther - 2011-08-24

    This is coming a couple of months late, but see bugzilla, eg. this.

  • Jakykong

    Jakykong - 2011-08-25

    Check out the program cpulimit. I use it, and keep gizmod below 10% CPU usage with no noticable delay in gizmod's performance. I don't know what loop in gizmod is forcing that much CPU usage, but it's clearly not necessary for it to run smoothly.

  • Jakykong

    Jakykong - 2011-08-25

    P.S., cpulimit is available in at least Debian and Ubuntu through apt. Not sure about other distros, but have a look :)


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