
#13 Incorrect Total Lines count


I don't know if this is a bug or a user error. When running gitstats against our repository, we are seeing an insane number of lines reported.

Right now, Total lines = 10233355 when in reality we have maybe 10,000

I have even tried running gitstats against private only (no public) but the result is the same.


  • Heikki Hokkanen

    Heikki Hokkanen - 2011-11-04

    Can you provide an example repository with the problem?

  • jeff j

    jeff j - 2011-11-10

    Actually, I'm not sure if this is a valid bug or not. Something weird is definitely happening since there's no way we have 1million + lines of code.

    However, when we broke out the branches into individual repos, and I ran gitstats against each one, the number of lines reported was correct.

    I think this may have had something to do with double-counting public and private, as well as some extraneous code checked in? Not sure, just very weird. (Can't upload an example repository b/c it's all proprietary, private code).

  • Heikki Hokkanen

    Heikki Hokkanen - 2011-11-11

    I can only guess, but cherry-picks are one thing that can lead into extraneous numbers with the current system of line counting.

    It would be nice if this could be reproduced with a public repository.