
#28 Rename gitslave

David Finey

I would like to humbly request that this project rename itself to something that avoids the word "slave", as this word has racist associastions. I am a fan of this tool and have used it for years, however users of this tool are unfortunately perpepuating the use of racist words such as "master" and "slave". For example, they have to adopt a "gitslave" file in their repositories. And if they add custom scripts on top of git and gitslave (as I have), they will likely further propagate the use of "master" and "slave" to maintain consistant terminology.

Many other other organizations are making similar terminology changes in their own products:

Will gitslave rename itself and remove these words from their source code? Thank you for the consideration.


  • Alexander Dupuy

    Alexander Dupuy - 2020-07-02

    I would support a name change. The open question is "to what?" The first thought I had is already taken (at SourceForge itself – I'm open to other suggestions.

    • David Finey

      David Finey - 2020-07-08

      Happy to hear that you are willing to support a name change! Some ideas for new names:

      1) "gits" - I realize this is already the shortened named of the project. Basically I'm suggesting to just make it the official full name, and drop any references to the longer "gitslave". Other terms such as parent/child can be used as to describe the relationship between what is currently described as master/slave repos.

      2) something like git-sub-project, sub-unit, sub-component, etc. Some of these may already be taken by other projects. But I like the idea of using sub-* in the title to keep the "s" of "gits".

      3) something else like 'git-nested-repo'?

      Just tossing out some ideas :)

  • Baka Project

    Baka Project - 2020-07-08

    git-subordinates (gits -- but same connotation?)
    git-sub [gits] Same conntations? BDSM? Confused with git-submodules
    git-subsidiary (gits)
    git-splice (gits)
    git-span (gits)
    git-stack (gits)
    git-federated (gitf?)

    I guess my initial thoughts are: subordinates, stack, and splice seem the most relevant.


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