
Future of GIMP on OS X

  • Maurizio Loreti

    Maurizio Loreti - 2016-03-17

    Dear maintainer,

    GIMP on OS X has been updated for the last time 14 months ago. While the executable runs correctly on OS X 10.11, some of the add-ons you included in the GIMP bundle are seriously obsolete. I refer in particular to G'MIC (version w/ 395 filters); the current version is 1.6.9, with 1.7.0 coming soon. Also, GIMP 2.8.16 has been released in November 2015; but a 2.8.16 version on this site has never appeared. Now, I dare to put the following question: what do you plan to do next?

    1. Release an updated 2.8.14 with a recent version of G'MIC .
    2. Release soon a 2.8.16 version with a recent G'MIC .
    3. Wait until 2.10 has been released, then create a 2.10 version of GIMP on OS X with a recent G'MIC .
    4. I don't have time to spend on GIMP more than once in a year because I'm busy on my own; download McGimp 2.9.3 from Partha's site, gimp2.9.3-20160225 from MacPorts or GIMP 2.8.16 from MacPorts.

    Thank you in advance for your answer, M.Lo.


    Last edit: Maurizio Loreti 2016-03-17
  • Simone Karin Lehmann


    and first of all, sorry for not being active. I was very busy in the last few months and had not much time to do things beside my job.

    I'm still planning to update GIMP on OS X to 2.8.16 and I'll try to do this in the next few weeks.
    I'll update this thread to reflect the current proress.

    I hope that all of you will still stay wiht my project and ... soory for the delay.

    Simone Karin

    • Maurizio Loreti

      Maurizio Loreti - 2016-03-18

      Thank you for the fast answer – and, yes, I would like to stay with your project. I wish you some good working weeks 8^)

    • Alan Cramer

      Alan Cramer - 2016-03-26

      Thank you for your efforts. I was a little devastated when I went to and found they are no longer linking to your site, as I thought you may have decided to pull the pin. Looking forward to the update when you have time. :-)

  • Alexander Thomas

    I'm also looking forward to a new release. I really like this edition of GIMP due to the bundled plug-ins and the other small tweaks, so keep up the good work.
    By the way, I have just noticed that the fourier plug-in crashes in OS X 10.11.4. I don't use it often, but now I really needed it…

  • Simone Karin Lehmann

    So, here's the current status:

    I've just updated all libraries for the stock GIMP. Everthing compiles fine. The next step will be to update and compile all additional plugins I've included.

    BTW, I'm now using more recent versions of the libraries than the 'original' GIMP version does. :-)

    • Alan Cramer

      Alan Cramer - 2016-06-24

      Any updates on how this is progressing? A lot of the plugins still work with the current release. Just install your package then overwrite with the newer package.

  • John PDoe

    John PDoe - 2016-08-02


    I'm also interested on this? It seems you're quite busy atm. Are there any instructions on how to build gimp from scratch for osx so we can give you a hand?


    Last edit: John PDoe 2016-08-02
    • Alexander Thomas

      A more recent and version of GIMP can be downloaded from the GIMP website, or installed through Homebrew. However, it lacks all the nice plug-ins, like resynthesizer, which I now consider essential parts of GIMP, and I have no clue how to compile those plugins.
      Maybe efforts could be limited by only providing a plugins package that is compatible with the ‘official’ build of GIMP?

      • Alan Cramer

        Alan Cramer - 2016-09-07

        The new official packages take 1000 years to load on MacOS Sierra. Seems to be an issue with the fonts. Any possibility of a newly compiled version for MacOS Sierra?

  • Ricardo

    Ricardo - 2016-09-19

    Today I tried to update to the 2.8.14p2 version and I get an error message saying that the application is broken and will not open it. Using El Capitan (v 10.11.6). The version from does not have several of the plug ins (such as UFRaw). Can you help?

  • asiga

    asiga - 2016-09-22

    I also suggest some path for the future. Simone, if you can continue building GIMP for OS X from time to time, don't worry, just take your time and prepare a Sierra build when you find time. Otherwise, some instructions on how to build your version would be greatly appreciate. If this motivates you, let me say than one of the main reasons why I prefer using GIMP on OS X rather than on Linux is your patch for saving in non-XCF formats. The Linux version lacks this. Please help us! :-)

    BTW: I'm experiencing some strange pausing or freeze-like on a fresh-installed 10.11.6. It happens when opening or saving files. I guess a recent rebuild is needed.

  • Klaus-dieter Michel

    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Maurizio Loreti

    Maurizio Loreti - 2016-12-13

    GIMP 2.8.18 has been released today for OS X Sierra. THANK YOU, Simone.

  • Michael

    Michael - 2016-12-13

    I have installed GIMP 2.8.18 (Sierra) and find the same bug that was apparent in the past several Mac versions: Copy/Paste is not working for me. I'd very much like to know if anyone else is encountering the problem, but can't find any place to inquir. The problem is I can copy a part of an image with COMMAND-C, but as soon as I press COMMAND-V to paste the selection box vanishes and I therefore can't move the pasted selection as I could in GIMP a few versions back. It's done this for the past year or two (sorry I can't be more accurate) and severely limits GIMP's useability. I would really like to know if anyone else is finding this issue or what could be happening on my system to cause it. I recently upgraded to Sierra and had the issue with Mountain Lion and Yosemite before. Anyone?

  • asiga

    asiga - 2016-12-17

    I'm experiencing some undesired behavior in ElCapitan: When opening files, the GUI sometimes seems to freeze but if you move the mouse over the Gimp window, the file gets successfully opened. It's like if the GUI needs to be flushed or updated somehow and only the mouse pointer will wake it up. Sometimes a crash happens when trying to open several files at the same time.

  • Simone Karin Lehmann

    I've just uploaded the bug fix release: 2.8.18p1. This should fix the delays on launching and quitting GIMP

    • Stubo Nesej

      Stubo Nesej - 2017-01-12

      Thanks for the release, Simone. Does 2.8.18 work with Mavericks?

  • asiga

    asiga - 2017-01-12

    Thanks a lot, Simone!! I'll be using it on ElCapitan for the moment. If I notice any issues, I'll post them. Thanks a lot!!

  • Karsten

    Karsten - 2017-01-13

    Hi Simone,
    thank you for your effort. The new Sierra release fixes thes delays.

    Unluckily you are now using old version libraries, that I am not able to link the gmic pugin (gmic 2.0.0 pre build) against due to errors like
    dyld: Library not loaded: /tmp/skl/
    Referenced from: ~/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.8/plug-ins/gmic_gimp200
    Reason: Incompatible library version: gmic_gimp200 requires version 4001.0.0 or later, but libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib provides version 3601.0.0

    Any idea to overcome this? I don't see how to install ports with older versions under MacPorts!


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