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Filling the top and the bottom empty areas with the fill_zenith_nadir plugin

  • Load generated panorama with not fully covered zenith and nadir. These area could be transparent (alpha channel).
  • Usually it is a good idea to remove some adjacent area, as it could contain lens distortions or some badly calculated pixels on the edge.
  • Also good a idea is to blur the pixels on the edges to remove noise.
  • Make a duplicate of the layer and hide the original one.
  • So we are starting with such a picture:

Panorama with transparent top and bottom

  • Now we can apply '360 Panorama/Fill zenith & nadir' (please note, that this filter is active only when the alpha channel exist in this layer):

Panorama with filled top and bottom

Editing panorama zenith and nadir

  • The previous step is optional - you can also work on non-filled zenith and nadir, but please remember to work on layer's copy.
  • Select '360 Panorama/Panorama to zenith & nadir'. You will get following image:

Zenith and nadir

  • Now you can edit zenith and nadir, eg. blur or place logo:

Edited zenith and nadir

  • After this you should convert zenith and nadir back to panorama equirectangular projection using '360 Panorama/Zenith & nadir to panorama' filter:

Converted back zenith and nadir

  • Now it is good to remove some not changed parts of zenith and nadir, possibly with blurred edges, and make original panorama visible:

Final panorama

Adding Google+ metadata

If you plan to publish low-res panorama on Google+ use '360 Panorama/Insert Google+ metadata'. It will insert all necessary information in the file.