I have two questions about things I'm seeing on an Epson XP-15000
The first is about colors. When printing come black and white photos recently I noticed there's a very heavy green cast in any gray tones. With color prints it's less of an issue (in fact I never realized anything was really wrong in using it for a couple years) but now that it's obvious I can even identify it in old color prints.
I picked up a second hand spectrometer to profile the printer (with lots of extra gray axis patches since that's the main problem area I was seeing) and the results are much better though not 100% perfect. It seems to be overcompensating for the green slightly so very dark shades of gray are a little too red.
Because it's such an obvious color error and the official Windows driver doesn't do anything remotely as bad out of the box, this sounds like this should be considered a Gutenprint bug. Is there some kind of gamma curve for one of the inks that could be wrong?
The other question is about borderless printing (technically it affects everything but is connected to borderless). Everything I print has a small offset from the edge of the page - maybe 1.5mm from the left and 2mm from the bottom. It's fairly consistent and just big enough to make prints with small margins look noticeably off-center. Bordlerless mode works fine if expansion is enabled (which it generally has to be to actually bleed all the way to the edge) but the amount it expands seems a little excessive, which also makes it spill some ink from the top edge inside the printer that slightly smears the back of the paper. Is this offset likely a mechanical problem with my particular printer or something inherent to the printer model that the driver should be correcting? Is there a way to tell the driver to fine tune either the borderless expansion or the position of the image on the page?
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I have two questions about things I'm seeing on an Epson XP-15000
The first is about colors. When printing come black and white photos recently I noticed there's a very heavy green cast in any gray tones. With color prints it's less of an issue (in fact I never realized anything was really wrong in using it for a couple years) but now that it's obvious I can even identify it in old color prints.
I picked up a second hand spectrometer to profile the printer (with lots of extra gray axis patches since that's the main problem area I was seeing) and the results are much better though not 100% perfect. It seems to be overcompensating for the green slightly so very dark shades of gray are a little too red.
Because it's such an obvious color error and the official Windows driver doesn't do anything remotely as bad out of the box, this sounds like this should be considered a Gutenprint bug. Is there some kind of gamma curve for one of the inks that could be wrong?
The other question is about borderless printing (technically it affects everything but is connected to borderless). Everything I print has a small offset from the edge of the page - maybe 1.5mm from the left and 2mm from the bottom. It's fairly consistent and just big enough to make prints with small margins look noticeably off-center. Bordlerless mode works fine if expansion is enabled (which it generally has to be to actually bleed all the way to the edge) but the amount it expands seems a little excessive, which also makes it spill some ink from the top edge inside the printer that slightly smears the back of the paper. Is this offset likely a mechanical problem with my particular printer or something inherent to the printer model that the driver should be correcting? Is there a way to tell the driver to fine tune either the borderless expansion or the position of the image on the page?