
Greenish Gray Problem - Artisan 837

  • alin

    alin - 2016-08-02

    All gray color or shadow on pictures are green dominant.
    I'm on Debian 8 and 9. So it happens with older and newest gutenprint too. I know, gutenprint doesn't support 837 therefore it's also a good question for me. Why Epson Artisan 837 doesn't supported printer in gutenprint? I tried to use gutenprint with 835 810 800 drivers for 837 printer.
    Anyway, I attempted to solve this with color profile settings and drivers. (Trust me, I tried a lot of potential solution.) In Debian Jessie, I solved this problem with latest manufacturer's full feature ESC/P Driver. That's give a perfect gray scale.
    (In this case, Gutenprint useless because it works with its own driver only, if I know it right.)
    Currently, I use Debian Stretch where lsb package is eliminated so the Manufacturer's drivers can’t be installed.
    I'm quite sure, no way to solve this problem with color profiles and fine tuning. In gutenprint, I think, it will be solved only if manufacturer's driver above would be build into the software.
    Is anybody experienced this problem? I'm glad for any suggestion.


    Last edit: alin 2016-08-03
  • alin

    alin - 2016-08-04

    Ok, I got help from Gutenprint Team and finally I was able to set a correct gray with gutenprint software. Obviously, I stuck with Artisan 835 driver. There is a way to turn off color mixing for gray in other words it's forcing the printer to use black ink only for gray scale:
    GCR Lower and GCR Uper 0 value.
    "and if that's too grainy, try set them to, say, 0.01 and 0.1 to use CMY composite inks only in very pale regions"
    Anyway, it isn't that solution what anybody accept by photo printing. I set the color gray balances in a wrong way previously. I just didn't select the three colors at once because I thought the unselected item is on value 1 by default. So my problem is solved finally.

    The main problem was the gray blance of colors indeed. They're turned off by default and that gives a greenish gray scale. If I set all off them to an equal valu, let's say 1 then it gives a yellowish gray scale. So my final setup for gray color balances is Cyan value 1, Magenta value 1 and Yello value 0.675. I think, it's a basic differences between the two driver default settings, I mean between Artisan 835(and compatibles) and Artisan 837(and compatibles).

    For me, under Linux, Gutenprint works for Artisan 837 not out of the box but with this modification and setup above.
    Thanks for this great software!


    Last edit: alin 2016-08-04

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