

Benedict Jäggi

Installation of this project.

GIML is a markup language. It should not be installed. It should run natively with the browser. Until that happens, you can use this JavaScript prototype.

This prototype has a fixed screen size of 640x480.

You could use just the GML parser ("plugin" may come later) for loading your own game structures.
GIML can be used as multi-purpose game data structure.

Just clone/download this project in a folder where you want and run it. See below.

  • It's written in pure JavaScript..
    Just copy all the files where you want on your server and refer to the page interpreter/index.html

  • And reads pure JSON.
    The GML itself is contained in JSON-files. You can add more than one file directly with GML.

You just need to change the path to your GMLs in the interpreter/index.html file.

  • A test site is contained.
    Just look there how to build up your GML-pages. Because of CORS, the test-site is contained in the interpreter folder.

CORS Problems

CORS means "Cross-origin resource sharing" and this technology mostly forbids you to load a resource, like an image, from another server than the given one. Also, CORS only applies to http(s):// and if you would like to test it locally without setting up a whole server infrastructure, you may run into problems because you use the file:// protocol.

Ok, first of all: The test site for that project (the GML-site which is loaded from the interpreter) is located IN the interpreter-folder just because of CORS. You would have to set up a CORS-paradigm on your server, if that folder would be outside of the other one. I don't want to make that just for testing (on several machines, locally) and so I fiddled out a way around CORSing. ;) Remember that the interpreter itself is just a prototype.

Disabling CORS for local testing


On firefox you may need to fiddle in the settings.

Go to about:config
Search for security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy and set it to false

I only use Firefox for developing.

Next: The GML structure


Wiki: GIML_Structure
Wiki: Home
Wiki: Interpreter