
GHydraulics / News: Recent posts

GHydraulics 2.1.0: Handle missing junctions, duplicate ids, multipart pipes

Detailed information about the release is available in the blog post GHydraulics 2.1.0: Handle missing junctions, duplicate ids, multipart pipes

GHydraulics is an open source QGIS plugin that allows to create EPANET hydraulic analysis models. More information is available on

Posted by Steffen Macke 2013-03-30

GHydraulics 2.0.9: Bugfix and maintenance release.

Details are available in a blog post

Posted by Steffen Macke 2013-02-23

GHydraulics 2.0.8: Fill the NODE1 and NODE1 fields

The function "Make EPANET Model" was added to the plugin . A blog post has contains detailed information

Posted by Steffen Macke 2013-01-23 Labels: EPANET GIS QGIS blog documentation python plugin

GHydraulic 2.0.1 release

GHydraulic 2.0.1 has been released.

A Quantum GIS plugin to select economic pipe diameters based on flow rates.

This is a maintenance release that adds support for QGIS 1.0

More information is available from the GHydraulic web site:

Posted by Steffen Macke 2009-01-29

GHydraulic 2.0.0 release

GHydraulic 2.0.0 has been released.

There are several fundamental changes: The 2.0 release is the first one as a plugin for Quantum GIS. Python was used as the programming language.
The current functionality allows to select economic pipe diameters based on flow rates.

More information is available from the new GHydraulic web site:

Posted by Steffen Macke 2007-10-28

GHydraulic switched to Subversion

The GHydraulic project has switched its source code repository: Subversion (SVN) is used now instead of CVS.

Posted by Steffen Macke 2007-10-28

CVS Repository set up

As of now, the ghydraulic CVS is up

Posted by Steffen Macke 2000-06-20

ghydraulic 0.2.1

The new version of ghydraulic is able to analyse a one-zone
supply network.

Posted by Steffen Macke 2000-05-15