Activity for Generic Graphics Toolkit

  • Ryan Carsten Schmidt Ryan Carsten Schmidt created ticket #30

    gmtl-0.6.1.tar.gz file is created when building

  • Ryan Carsten Schmidt Ryan Carsten Schmidt created ticket #29

    Build failure when scons uses python 3 (patch attached)

  • Ryan Carsten Schmidt Ryan Carsten Schmidt modified a comment on ticket #28

    I didn't like this patch because it determines either the gcc or the clang version and then uses them as if the two compilers have identical version histories, which they don't. For example, the script adds -fcoalesce-templates if the compiler version is less than 4. That's correct for gcc and incorrect for clang. Instead my patch looks at the preprocessor macros. gcc defines __GNUC__ to the major version and __GNUC_MINOR__ to the minor version. gcc 3 and later also define __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ to...

  • Ryan Carsten Schmidt Ryan Carsten Schmidt posted a comment on ticket #28

    I didn't like this patch because it determines either the gcc or the clang version and then uses them as if the two compilers have identical version histories, which they don't. For example, the script adds -fcoalesce-templates if the compiler version is less than 4. That's correct for gcc and incorrect for clang. Instead my patch looks at the preprocessor macros. gcc defines __GNUC__ to the major version and __GNUC_MINOR__ to the minor version. gcc 3 and later also define __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ to...

  • Generic Graphics Toolkit Generic Graphics Toolkit released /OldFiles/gmtlguide-0.0.1.pdf

  • Generic Graphics Toolkit Generic Graphics Toolkit released /OldFiles/vrjuggler-2.0-beta3-osx-x11-10.4.dmg

  • Juan Sebastian Casallas Juan Sebastian Casallas created ticket #28

    SConstruct does not recognize clang, the default compiler on newer OS X