
GetVars / News: Recent posts

New Features Out (v0.30)

Humble as this project remains, it is steaming ahead for only 6 days old!

There are multiple new features in this release including tight integration with KDE's I/O library to support network and file type transparency.

Also, the preview pane now support a popup menu when a form field is clicked, providing nitty-gritty detail about the form field attributes.

Read the ChangeLog for more detail.

Posted by Louis Aslett 2001-12-08

Maintenance release (v0.27)

There has been a maintenance release to clean up some embarrasing problems with 0.25!

The code is much neater OO and there are several bug fixes.

If you have an HTML form which causes getvars to cough-up, please let me know and I can see what is going on.

I am working on a 'new features' release now which will try to address some shortcomings (like only text fields being easy to identify in the preview window). Watch this space!

Posted by Louis Aslett 2001-12-04

First public release!

GetVars has it's first public release in the form of v0.25.

There will be an updated version due in a day or two which cleans up the OO code.

Posted by Louis Aslett 2001-12-04