Assume you run the box_cartesian in serial. Now, you want to extract data from the 3d-output file '' at x=14500m and y=22500m. You can do this with the nco-tools like:
ncks -d xc,15 -d yc,23
Now, you run box_cartesian in parallel with 4 subdomains. If you want to extract the same station, you have to manually check in which subdomain you station is located, to construct the right nco-tool command. Doing the same exercise with 20 subdomains and you are lost.
The idea behind ncscatter is therefore, that you give ncscatter the positon of your station, transect, region to extract, and nscatter finds the right subdomains by its own and is doing the data extraction.
You need the nco-tools (see installed on your machine and [ncmerge]. Furthermore, ncscatter needs to be in your path.
Will be written soon!
Wiki: GETM Utils
Wiki: PreRequisites
Wiki: ncmerge