Usage: md5 [[Dir]FileMask [Keys]
Example: md5 c:\Documents*.doc /S /I /HE /CN /QT >> info.csv /E info.csv
Save full Info inklusiv subfolders in csv file and open csv. Hide acsess errors (to info.csv file)

/S - inclusiv files in the subfolder
/MD5 - only MD5 (without the folder and file name
/I - extendet file info (size;create time;write time;access time;attribute;dos name). Replacement for keys: /SZ /DT /DC /DW /DA /DOS /UNC /FA
/SZ - show file size
/DT - show all dates and times. Replacement for keys: /DC /DW /DA
/DC - show create date and time
/DW - show last write date and time
/DA - show last access date and time
/FA - show file attributes
(attributes: H-hidden, S-system, A-archiv, R-read only)
/DOS - show dos folder and file name (if the current file system is not prohibited short filenames)
/UNC - show unc folder and file name (only network drive)
/D delimiter - delimiter (default ;) (for csv)
/FP - expand relative path
/QT - add quotes (for csv)
/CN - show column name (for csv)
/SP - split file ans folder name
/HE - hide acsess errors
/E command - execute command at the ent of md5
/H or /? - this help