
#37 Git repository

VCS (1) Git (1)

It is a VCS distributed better than CVS or Subversion.


  • Alexandre Magno

    Alexandre Magno - 2014-06-07

    Will you want to do Geotag's versioning in Git? See this topic at stackoverflow. Perhaps I same will do the conversion and put the code in the Github. Then you will be able to put it here. I want to remove the dependencies of Google, starting by the map.js.

    See my comment at the issue 35.


    Last edit: Alexandre Magno 2014-06-07
  • Alexandre Magno

    Alexandre Magno - 2014-06-07

    I sent Geotag-GIT.tar.gz to your email.


    Last edit: Alexandre Magno 2014-06-07
  • Andreas Schneider

    I'm happy with CVS. I can't see any arguments for switching to git. I know git is 'better', but CVS works for this project.


  • Alexandre Magno

    Alexandre Magno - 2014-06-08
    1. Git facilitates independent work without granting privileges on a server
      1. "pull requests" at Github or Bitbucket
      2. "merge requests" at Sourceforge or Google Code
      3. Or pratical patches by e-mail
    2. Do not lock files for editing
      1. The collaborators interacts as little as possible to the development be effectively managed
    3. Each copy of the Git repository is a self-contained and full backup
    4. You can work with multiple remote sources in a very natural way
    5. It is the choice of the Linux kernel team and has been continuously developed
      1. "Linus Torvalds did the Git because it was needed"
    6. Because of the listed above it has been the main target in more recent workshops
      1. There is a lot of documentation quality that teaches to using it
    7. I've done the conversion repository for you and I can pass tips for you
      1. I have sent the more recent Geotag-GIT-0.094.tar.gz (copy of full Git repository; access the Dropbox link) to your email
      2. I'd rather work a branch of your repository than do a independent fork
      3. Git as a facilitator and latest technology will can attract more collaborators for the Geotag's upstream
    8. Also there is Git plugins for Eclipse (see geotag-git-03.png)
      1. Although it is additionally much easier keep open a colored window Terminal (see geotag-git-02.png)
      2. The initial workflow is tested with Eclipse Helios, but nothing changed
    9. If you copy or move the local directory of the Git repository, you have the repository at the new location without any additional configuration and that is very useful for testing and learning

    Last edit: Alexandre Magno 2014-06-08
  • Andreas Schneider

    1-9.. yes I know.. But the Geotag project is happy with CVS... sorry...

  • Alexandre Magno

    Alexandre Magno - 2014-06-08

    OK. No need to apologize.


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