
GeoRaptor error data with 3 dimensions

  • laward

    laward - 2007-01-02

    Just downloaded and setting up SQL developer with GeoRaptor extension. After adding a spatial table to the GeoRaptor SpatialView, when I try to draw the layer I get the following error:

    GeoRaptor: Error [GeoRaptor_callDrawFunction] Geometry object must have 2 dimensions. The current has 3

    I have tested several spatial tables with different object types (polygons, points, & lines)- all get the same error.

    This message is also displayed in the GEOMETRY column of my data table (Only 2D objects are supported. Current object dimension: 3). All of my geometry is 3001, 3002 or 3003. Is this not supported in GeoRaptor? thanks


  • Olaf Iseger

    Olaf Iseger - 2010-01-10


    No currently no 3D is supported, maybe in future versions but no specific plans exist at the moment,



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