From: Giovanni M. <gio...@gm...> - 2024-03-06 18:25:47
Hi all, I have a very small GN installation (not docker, geonetwork-bundle-4.2.5-0) that works fine, but now I need to move it to a different server. I copied over all the necessary bits (I think) and I'm able to open GN on the new server and it mostly works: there are a few things that do not work but the main problem is that on the new server I cannot write any change. >From what I have understood of my install is that at least some time of changes are written to which I moved to the new server in the same location, but despite permissions be identical nothing is written there and in catalina.out I can see the message org.h2.jdbc.JdbcBatchUpdateException: The database is read only; Any hint about how to fix this? Thanks in advance -- G -- |