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File Date Author Commit
 postgis 2023-12-31 crispond [r1] Initial commit
 Readme.txt 2023-12-31 crispond [r1] Initial commit

Read Me

This is a geometry simplification library for PostGIS.

Custom geometry function definitions hang off the root of the PostGIS source directory.  It appears the entire PostGIS .so must be compiled and installed to the Postgresql server, and the .a library files must be statically linked within each custom .so for the functions to work.  Version numbers must match!

Custom directories include:

1. The PostGIS source code must first be configured, then compiled, then installed. (./configure && sudo make install at PostGIS root).
	sudo apt install postgresql-server-dev-12
	sudo apt install libxml2-dev
	sudo apt install libgeos++-dev
	sudo apt install libproj-dev
	sudo apt install libgdal-dev
	sudo apt install libprotobuf-c-dev
2. Update or create postgis extension within Postgres.
3. To compile and install the functions, run "sudo make force install rebootsql" at custom function root.

PostgreSQL function definitions:
create or replace function simpletiles(in geometry(geometry, 3857), out r int, out x int, out y int, out mercgeom geometry(geometry, 3857)) returns setof record as'$libdir/geometrysimplify', 'simpletiles' LANGUAGE C immutable;

Tested with PostGIS 3.3.4 and Ubuntu 20.04.