
GeographicLib 2.1.2 (released 2022-12-13)

Changes between 2.1.2 (released 2022-12-13) and 2.1.1 versions:

  • Add MGRS::Decode to break an MGRS string into its components.

  • Add definite integral overload for DST::integral. This is used in

  • Add example code examples/AuxLatitude.[hc]pp implementating the
    AuxAngle and AuxLatitude classes. These classes implement the
    methods documented in the paper "On auxiliary latitudes", They are not part of
    GeographicLib. See Auxiliary latitudes for more details.

  • Minor cmake issues:

    • fix cross-compile build on Windows;
    • check cmake version for "cmake rm -rf";
    • move cmake_minimum_required to the beginning of the cmake file
      and update minimum version to 3.13.0.
Posted by Charles Karney 2022-12-13

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