
GeographicLib 2.1.1 (released 2022-07-25)

Changes between 2.1.1 (released 2022-07-25) and 2.1 versions:

  • The Planimeter utility used to accept polygon vertices as UTM/UPS
    or MGRS coordinates. However, since these are converted to
    latitude and longitude using the WGS84 ellipoid, this convention
    is incompatible with the -e option to specify the ellipsoid. So
    now, you have to provide the --geoconvert-input option to allow
    vertices to be specified in this way.

  • Fix sign error in DST::refine.

  • Relax overly strict convergence test for inverse problem in
    Geodesic and GeodesicExact.

  • Minor:

    • Use lookup table for selecting number of points for DST in
    • Relax one of the test thresholds in geodtest.cpp.
Posted by Charles Karney 2022-07-25

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