
Large delta in NETGeographicLib.Geodesic distance

  • AGP

    AGP - 2017-05-05

    Doing some research to replace the functions I use in ArcObjects. I ran some minor tests and GeoLib showed that it was a great replacement. To fully convince myself I then ran about a half-million cases with a random start point and a random end point. All looks good but this one case stuck out. The first case is to show that I am running the process correctly. The second case is the one that looks dubious. Granted it is a path that goes half way around the world so maybe that’s the issue. I am using ArcObjects as the baseline only because that is what I have been using for years.

    All calculations run with WGS84. Great Circle is with f=0 and geodesic is the standard spheroid. Gavaghan is a freeware geodesy library, GeoLib Std is NETGeographicLib.Geodesic, GeoLib Exc is NETGeographicLib.GeodesicExact, and ArcObjects is using the ArcGIS Military Analyst API class IMeasurementTool.

    Great Circle has great agreement. Geodesic is where I saw the disparity in Case 2. GeoLib<->ArcObjects there is a delta of 38078.8 and Gavaghan<->ArcObjects there is a delta of 60120.0. I am probably doing something wrong but would appreciate any thoughts on this subject.

    Case 1
    Start: x=-175.000000000000000, y=45.000000000000000
    End  : x=172.000000000000000, y=47.000000000000000
                              Great Circle    Geodesic
    Gavaghan  : 1028334.05      1029963.12
    GeoLib Std: 1028334.05      1029963.12
    GeoLib Exc: 1028334.05      1029963.12
    ArcObjects: 1028334.05      1029963.12
    Case 2
    Start: x=-161.447217064652000, y=-07.945383422982600
    End  : x=017.952566164523600, y=07.769422129620540
                              Great Circle     Geodesic
    Gavaghan  : 19968482.25      19981880.01
    GeoLib Std: 19968482.25      19959838.73
    GeoLib Exc: 19968482.25      19959838.73
    ArcObjects: 19968482.25      19921759.97



    Last edit: AGP 2017-05-05
  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2017-05-06

    The GeographicLib results are correct! One thing to try is to check the ArcObjects result
    by solving the direct problem with ArcObjects using the same start position and ArcObjects'
    distance and azimuth.

    Perhaps you could also try the equivalent of

    $ echo -07.945383422982600 -161.447217064652000 \
      134.901274703378704 19959838.7274194397 | GeodSolve -p 8
    7.7694221296206 17.9525661645236 45.0745284425468

    with Gavaghan and ArcObjects. (I.e., solve the direct problem using the distance
    and azimuth found by GeographicLib.)


    Last edit: Charles Karney 2017-05-06
  • AGP

    AGP - 2017-05-08

    Ok so I ran the study with my start point and the distance and azimuth given by GeoLib. The results show that on direct problem they all are fairly accurate with GeoLib being accurate to the 13th decimal of end coordinates. Do the direct and inverse problems use different algorithms but based on the same premise? I just don’t get why the disparity in distance is so large.

      Gavaghan-------------------------------                             Expected  Delta
      Start Point Longitude -161.447217064652000    degrees         
      Start Point Latitude  -7.945383422982590  degrees         
      Ellipsoidal Distance  19959838.727419400000000    meters          
      Azimuth   134.901274703379000 degrees         
      End Point Longitude   17.952566163824700  degrees     17.952566164523600  0.000000000698900
      End Point Latitude    7.769422129620720   degrees     7.769422129620540   -0.000000000000180
      Start Point Longitude -161.447217064652000    degrees         
      Start Point Latitude  -7.945383422982600  degrees         
      Ellipsoidal Distance  19959838.727419400000000    meters          
      Azimuth   134.901274703379000 degrees         
      End Point Longitude   17.952566164523300  degrees     17.952566164523600  0.000000000000298
      End Point Latitude    7.769422129620290   degrees     7.769422129620540   0.000000000000250
      Start Point Longitude -161.447217064652000    degrees         
      Start Point Latitude  -7.945383422982600  degrees         
      Ellipsoidal Distance  19959838.727419400000000    meters          
      Azimuth   134.901274703379000 degrees         
      End Point Longitude   17.952566163824700  degrees     17.952566164523600  0.000000000698900
      End Point Latitude    7.769422129620720   degrees     7.769422129620540   -0.000000000000180
  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2017-05-08

    Gavaghan uses Vincenty; this uses the same basic formulas for the direct
    and inverse problems. My guess is the ArcObjects does the same based on
    the fact that the direct calculations coincide. They get different
    results for the inverse problem, presumably because they have different
    criteria for ending the algorithm.

    The fact that they all basically agree on the solution to the direct
    problem demonstrates that the inverse solutions for Gavaghan and
    ArcObjects are wrong.

    The problem is that Vincenty fails to converge for your chosen points.
    It's not just a question of needing to increase the number of
    iterations. The basic iterative scheme is unstable. Gavaghan sets the
    iteration count to 20 and returns whatever the result is at that point.
    Possibly ArcObjects does the same (but with a different iteration count).

    If you paid good money to use ArcObjects then I recommend that you
    complain loudly and tell them to use GeographicLib. (It's under the MIT
    license, so they don't have to pay me or even to ask my permission.)

  • AGP

    AGP - 2017-05-08

    OK so re-reading some of the documentation I see that GeoLib uses an algorithm that resolves some of the issues with Vincenty. I also agree that ArcObjects most probably uses Vincenty with different tolerances.

    I think GeoLib from the start was going to be the replacement library of my choice but had to convince myself that it was accurate. I also needed a study that would show disparities with other libraries and an explanation of why they existed. I am fully convinced that GeoLib gives the correct answer.

    As for the ESRI product, that particular library was deprecated many years ago. Thus why I have been searching for a replacement. Once I implement GeoLib I can move forward to upgrade the version of ArcGIS on our desktops. However, they still have other libraries that provide geodesics. My plan is to run the same type of tests. Once that is done I will provide the results to ESRI and also post them here.

    Many, many thanks for your hard work on this library. It has helped me in ways you cannot even imagine.


  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2017-05-08

    You're welcome! As you might imagine my work on GeographicLib is largely
    a labor of love.



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