
Getting started from Windows Binary install

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2022-04-29

    I've downloaded and installed the Windows 64-bit version. Other than an error 'could not update path, path name too long', that seemed to work properly.
    In my naivete, I was expecting a GUI. Apparently there isn't one. Some hints on how one normally uses the Windows installation would be appreciated.

  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2022-04-29

    The "normal" ways people use GeographicLib are:

    1. using the utilities in a command shell or in scripts;
    2. writing C++ programs (which might possibly offer a GUI interface!) which link with the library.

    It sounds like the first is likely to be the most useful method for you. Assuming that PATH includes the directory where the utilities are stored (and the error message you got indicates that this might not be the case), you can open a CMD shell and type

    echo 1 2 3 4 | GeodSolve -i

    to determine the shortest path from (lat,lon) = (1,2) to (3,4). GeodSolve --help describes this utility. If your PATH isn't correctly set then you'll need to include the full pathname for GeodSolve.

    Good luck!



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