
CrossTrack error calculator

  • John Coffey

    John Coffey - 2018-11-14

    Dr. Karney,

    I have been working with GeographicLib for a few weeks and I have a couple
    of questions regarding how to determine the cross track error from a flight
    path. I use the library to make accurate point to point calculations along
    a flight path, but now I need to determine the cross track error away from
    the path (based on GPS coordinates received during flight). I saw
    somewhere where you performed some sort of successive approximation
    technique for cross track evaluation (sorry I cannot find the link) but I
    think the easiest/fastest way for me to determine this value would be to
    use Ed Williams’ formulary
    which indicates:

    Cross track error:

    Suppose you are proceeding on a great circle route from A to B (course
    =crs_AB) and end up at D, perhaps off course. (We presume that A is ot a
    pole!) You can calculate the course from A to D (crs_AD) and the distance
    from A to D (dist_AD) using the formulae above. In terms of these the cross
    track error, XTD, (distance off course) is given by:

    XTD =asin(sin(dist_AD)*sin(crs_AD-crs_AB))

    My question is:

    Given 3 points A, B and D (as described in the cross track error problem
    above with A and B along a geodesic), which of the GeographicLib formulae
    should I use to compute the required crs_AD and crs_AB course that I could
    plug into the simple formula above?

    I thought these course values might be the azi1 and azi2 values returned
    form Geodesic.Inverse(….) from A to D and A to D respectively, but these
    returned azimuth values are very different (after conversion to radians) to
    those in the Williams JavaScript worked example
    (which is very easy to convert and debug in C++, note I changed to a
    havDistance() instead of distance() for improved accuracy). The worked
    example site (Williams) indicates the calculation for course between
    geoPoints a & b is defined as:

    Course = std::acos((std::sin( - std::sin( * std::cos(d)) /
    (std::sin(d) * std::cos(

    Here you have the relevant part of my code – I would like to eliminate hand
    coded course and distance calculations below favor of those in the
    GeograhicLib and just use the xTrack function which as far as I am aware is
    not available in GeographicLib to evaluate the cross track error.

    One more thing I would also like to know how to solve is:

    Given a set of flight waypoints (a flight plan), how can I calculate the
    coordinates for a thick box around the flight plan as a center line. The
    width of this line would effectively describe the an acceptable cross track
    error (as long as I am flying within the bounds. At each waypoint, I would
    need to calculate 2 normal points +/- some max cross track error away. I
    have no idea how to do so and it seems like GeographicLib is perfectly
    setup to calculate these values for me.

    Thank you for a great library

    John Coffey


    static Geodesic gGeodesic(Constants::WGS84_a(), Constants::WGS84_f());

    . . .


    distance(const GeoPointRads& a, const GeoPointRads& b) {

    return std::acos(std::sin( * std::sin( +
        std::cos( * std::cos( * std::cos(a.lon - b.lon));



    havDistance(const GeoPointRads& a, const GeoPointRads& b) {

    return 2 * std::asin(std::sqrt(std::pow(std::sin(( - /2), 2) +
        std::cos(*std::cos(*std::pow(std::sin((a.lon -

    b.lon)/2), 2)));



    course(const GeoPointRads& a, const GeoPointRads& b, double d) {

    return std::acos((std::sin( - std::sin( *
        std::cos(d)) / (std::sin(d) * std::cos(;



    xTrack(const double d, const double crs1, const double crs2) {

    return std::asin(std::sin(d) * std::sin(crs1 - crs2));


    double aTrack(const double d, const double xtd) {

    return std::acos(std::cos(d) / std::cos(xtd));


    double aTrackSimple(const double d, const double xtd) {

    return std::asin(std::sqrt(std::pow(std::sin(d), 2) -
        std::pow(std::sin(xtd), 2)) / std::cos(xtd));





    const GeoPointRads& a,
    const GeoPointRads& b,
    const GeoPointRads& d)


    // solve the Geodesic inverse problem from A->D
    double s12, azi1, azi2, m12, M12, M21, S12 = 0.0;
    auto arcLenAD = gGeodesic.Inverse(, a.lon,, d.lon,
        s12, azi1, azi2, m12, M12, M21, S12);
    const auto dist_AD = havDistance(a, d);
    const auto crs_AD = course(a, d, dist_AD);
    auto crsADDegrees = crs_AD / Math::degree();
    const auto dist_AB = distance(a, b);
    const auto distABMeters = Constants::WGS84_a() * dist_AB;

    // should be 3973km

    const auto crs_AB = course(a, b, dist_AB);
    const auto errorMeters = Constants::WGS84_a() * xTrack

    (dist_AD, crs_AD, crs_AB);

    return errorMeters / GeographicLib::Constants::nauticalmile();


  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2018-11-15

    Without trying to address all of your post in detail, let me, nevertheless offer some pointers:

    • azi1 and azi2 are the angles α1 and α2 shown in the documentation.

    • I believe the formulas for Williams are correct for a sphere. So you should be able to get everything to match up between these and the results from GeographicLib by specifying a sphere (f = 0) when you instantiate a Geodesic object.

    • Assuming that D is close to the geodesic AB, then the ellipsoidal formula for cross track distance is 1(AD) − α1(AB)] m12(AD), Here m12 is the reduced length.

    Please let me know if you have any questions on this...

    I defer addressing your second question (which seems awfully fiddly) until after we've cleared up the first.

  • John Coffey

    John Coffey - 2018-11-15

    Thanks for following up with me. Perhaps I misunderstood something (I'm new to geodesics) but I am getting a cross track error of 15.71 nautical miles with the above formula. With the Williams formula I correctly get 0.0021674699088523514 from the xTrack function (I presume these are radians). This value correctly matches the worked example - presumably converting this to NM is just a matter of multiplying by WGS84_a() and dividing by Constants::nauticalmile(), which ends up being 7.464NM. This value is way off (even accounting for using a non zero flattening factor). I wonder if you can spot something really obviously wrong with the following block of test code.



    // we travel from JFK to LAX and end up at D
    const auto laxRadians = GeoPointRads{ 0.592539, 2.066470 };
    const auto jfkRadians = GeoPointRads{ 0.709186, 1.287762 };
    const auto lostRadians = GeoPointRads{ 0.6021386, 2.033309 };
    auto xTrack = getTrackInfoNM(laxRadians, jfkRadians, lostRadians);

    . . .
    std::pair<double, double="">
    const GeoPointRads& a,
    const GeoPointRads& b,
    const GeoPointRads& d)
    std::pair<double, double=""> result;
    // Solve the Geodesic inverse problem from A->D
    double s12, azi1, azi2, m12, M12, M21, S12 = 0.0;
    auto arcAD = gGeodesic.Inverse(, a.lon,, d.lon,
    s12, azi1, azi2, m12, M12, M21, S12);
    const auto azi1AD = azi1;
    const auto m12AD = m12;
    auto arcAB = gGeodesic.Inverse(, a.lon,, b.lon,
    s12, azi1, azi2, m12, M12, M21, S12);
    const auto azi1AB = azi1;
    const auto ellipsiodalXtrackNM = (azi1AD - azi1AB) * m12AD /
    // Assuming D is close to the geodesic AB, then the
    // ellipsoidal formula for cross track distance is
    // [azi1(AD) - azi1(AB)] * m12(AD). (m12 = reduced length).

    const auto dist_AD = havDistance(a, d);
    const auto crs_AD = course(a, d, dist_AD);
    const auto dist_AB = havDistance(a, b);
    const auto crs_AB = course(a, b, dist_AB);
    const auto xTrackRads = xTrack(dist_AD, crs_AD, crs_AB);
    const auto aTrackRads = aTrack(dist_AD, xTrackRads);
    return  {
        Constants::WGS84_a() * xTrackRads / GeographicLib::Constants::nauticalmile(),
        Constants::WGS84_a() * aTrackRads / GeographicLib::Constants::nauticalmile()


  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2018-11-15

    I can't reproduce your results and don't terribly want to plough through your code snippets. However, here's my working of your example:

    JFK="40.6333646897648 -73.78332761732592"
    LAX="33.94998389690229 -118.4000094903992"
    LOST="34.50000046191607 -116.5000241459659"
    echo $JFK $LAX | GeodSolve -i | cut -f1 -d' '
    => azi1AB = -86.09664540
    echo $JFK $LOST | GeodSolve -i | cut -f1 -d' '
    => azi1AD = -86.32035721
    echo $JFK $LOST | GeodSolve -i -f | cut -f9 -d' '
    ==> m12AD = 3576172.023


    (azi1AD-azi1AB)*pi/180 * m12AD / 1852 => -7.54 NM

    The factor of pi/180 = Math::degree() is needed to convert degrees to radians (always .needed in a formula like this) and 1/1852 converts to NM. This seems to .be close to the result you got for the spherical case?


    Last edit: Charles Karney 2018-11-15
  • John Coffey

    John Coffey - 2018-11-16

    Thank you for the above script, I figured out that my error was passing in radians to GeographicLib - I should have been passing in degrees. I also needed to convert the returned azimuth angles back to radians. Everything was in radians in the williams approach.

    By the way, I am not sure where I was it before but from what I can recall I saw an approach you used to use to make a sort of successive approximation to calculating the cross track error. Was that just old code that has been replaced with this updated formula? I wish I could find the example but no luck (I do recall you posted it somewher as a C++ example).

    Now I can replace the Williams temporary code with GeographicLib calls.


    This was the missing trick before calling Geographic lib

       // convert my proprietary GeoCoordsRads to GeoCoords
        GeoCoords geoA = { / Constants::degree(), a.lon / Constants::degree() };
        GeoCoords geoB = { / Constants::degree(), b.lon / Constants::degree() };
        GeoCoords geoD = { / Constants::degree(), d.lon / Constants::degree() };

    Last edit: John Coffey 2018-11-16
  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2018-11-16

    OK, good. GeographicLib uses degrees for its interface so that directions like "due south" and positions like the "north pole" can be represented exactly.

    NOTE WELL: the formula I gave you applies only for points close to the track. In the general case I recommend using the approach given in Section 8 of Algorithms for geodesics. Elsewhere on this site I give a C++ implementation. Here's an implementation in MATLAB.

    function [lat, lon, s, azi] = geodintercept ...
          (lata, lona, latb, lonb, latc, lonc, ell)
    %GEODINTERCEPT Approximate distance between a point and a geodesic track
    %   [lat, lon, s, azi] = GEODINTERCEPT(lata, lona, latb, lonb, latc, lonc)
    %   [lat, lon, s, azi] =
    %     GEODINTERCEPT(lata, lona, latb, lonb, latc, lonc, ell)
    %   Given a point C at (latitude, longitude) = (latc, lonc) and a geodesic
    %   AB from (lata, lona) to (latb, lonb), compute the intercept point O =
    %   (lat, lon), i.e., the point on AB which is closest to C.  Also return
    %   the distance, s, and starting azimuth, azi, of the geodesic from C to
    %   O.  The arguments must be column vectors of the same size.  All angles
    %   (latitudes, longitudes, azimuth) are in degrees; distance is in meters.
    %   The optional ell vector is of the form [a, e], where a is the
    %   equatorial radius in meters, e is the eccentricity.  If ell is omitted,
    %   the WGS84 ellipsoid (more precisely, the value returned by
    %   defaultellipsoid) is used.
    %   The method performs two iterations of the solution of the intercept
    %   problem from "Algorithms for geodesics", Section 8, using C as the
    %   initial guess for O.  Because the gnomonic projection is used, A and B
    %   should be within about 9900 km of C.
    %   If A and B are within 8000 km of each other and if C is within 200 km
    %   of AB, then the results are accurate to round-off.
    %   This function requires the installation of the GeographicLib toolbox
      if nargin < 7, ell = defaultellipsoid; end
      k = 0; kmax = 2;
      lat = latc; lon = lonc;               % starting guess
      while k < kmax
        % project A, B, C to gnomonic projection centered at O
        [x, y] = gnomonic_fwd(lat, lon, lata, lona, ell); a = [x, y];
        [x, y] = gnomonic_fwd(lat, lon, latb, lonb, ell); b = [x, y];
        if k == 0
          c = 0 * a;
          [x, y] = gnomonic_fwd(lat, lon, latc, lonc, ell); c = [x, y];
        % compute interception point (last eq. of Section 8)
        d = b - a;
        o = (sum(c .* d, 2) .* d - ...
             (a(:,1).*b(:,2) - a(:,2).*b(:,1)) .* [-d(:,2), d(:,1)]) ./ ...
            sum(d.^2, 2);
        % update O
        [lat, lon] = gnomonic_inv(lat, lon, o(:,1), o(:,2), ell);
        k = k + 1;
      % compute geodesic CO
      if nargout > 2
        [s, azi] = geoddistance(latc, lonc, lat, lon, ell);


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