
Mirrored TraverseMercator seems to be flawed

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2022-06-27

    Hi everybody,
    i am using geographiclib to convert coordinates from wgs84 usingTraverseMercator and have currently the problem that i have given two coordinates coord_1, coord_2.
    I first want to use coord_1 as central meridian and convert coord_2 and then vice versa

    Here is a snippet:

    GeographicLib::TransverseMercator mercator_{ GeographicLib::Constants::WGS84_a(), GeographicLib::Constants::WGS84_f(), 1.0};
    double easting = 0.0;
    double northing = 0.0;
    mercator_.Forward(coord_1.Longitude(), coord_2.Latitude(), coord_2.Longitude(), easting, northing);
    mercator_.Forward(coord_2.Longitude(), coord_1.Latitude(), coord_1.Longitude(), easting, northing);

    I would expect that easting and northing are the same (except the sign) after the two calls, but they differ by quite some distance, can someone help me understand this?


  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2022-06-27

    You'll only get the behavior you expect if

    fabs(coord_1.Latitude()) = fabs(coord_2.Latitude())

    A degree separation in longitude corresponds to a shorter distance at higher latitudes. The origin for the northing is the equator and so, obviously, the northings will only match if the latitudes match.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2022-06-28

    Hi Charles and thanks a lot for the answer!
    However, i am still not getting my head around that it makes a different if i use coord_1 as central meridian and project to coord_2, or i use coord_2 as central meridian and project it to coord_1.
    "In my head" that should be an identical northing/easting (except sign) since its the same projection

  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2022-06-28

    You're right -- up to a point. You still need to make sure that the latitudes of the two point match (apart from a sign). If you're still having problems, set the central longitude to 0 and plot lines of equal latitude and longitude in TM coordinates. Make sure you understand this before worrying about changing the central longitude.

  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2022-06-28

    Sorry, I accidentally deleted your recent post requiring moderation...

  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2022-06-28

    To answer your question about why the same latitude value results in different northings, you need to examine the latitude/longitude lines for TM, e.g., as given in the Wikipedia article on TM.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2022-07-07

    Thanks a lot! I think i got it now :)



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