
Issues calculating geod.Inverse antipodal and near-antipodal distance

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-01-17

    Upon raising an issue with the boost::geometry wgs84 distance functions on StackOverflow (see why is boost::geometry geographic vincenty distance inaccurate around the equator?
    I was recommended to try geographiclib instead.

    However, upon testing geographiclib with the same antipodal and near-antipodal points I got the following results:

    GeographicLib near antipodal
        Semimajor distance:     20003931.458625
        Semiminor distance:     nan
    GeographicLib antipodal
        Semimajor distance:     20003931.458625
        Semiminor distance:     0.000000
    GeographicLib verify distance
        JFK to LHR distance:    5551759.400319

    The Semimajor distance (i.e. around the equator) is inaccurate, by my calcualtions it should be 20037508.342789. And the Semiminor distance (i.e.from pole to pole) is a major issue.

    Here's the code I used:

    /// GeographicLib  WGS84 distance
    // Note: M_PI is not part of the C or C++ standards, _USE_MATH_DEFINES enables it
    #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES
    #include <GeographicLib/Geodesic.hpp>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <ios>
    // WGS 84 parameters from: Eurocontrol WGS 84 Implementation Manual
    // Version 2.4 Chapter 3, page 14
    /// The Semimajor axis measured in metres.
    /// This is the radius at the equator.
    constexpr double a = 6378137.0;
    /// Flattening, a ratio.
    /// This is the flattening of the ellipse at the poles
    constexpr double f = 1.0/298.257223563;
    /// The Semiminor axis measured in metres.
    /// This is the radius at the poles.
    /// Note: this is derived from the Semimajor axis and the flattening.
    /// See WGS 84 Implementation Manual equation B-2, page 69.
    constexpr double b = a * (1.0 - f);
    int main(int /*argc*/, char ** /*argv*/)
      const GeographicLib::Geodesic& geod(GeographicLib::Geodesic::WGS84());
      std::cout << "WGS 84 values (metres)\n";
      std::cout << "\tSemimajor axis:\t\t"   << a << "\n";
      std::cout << "\tFlattening:\t\t"       << f << "\n";
      std::cout << "\tSemiminor axis:\t\t"   << b << "\n\n";
      std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << M_PI * a << "\n";
      std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << M_PI * b << "\n";
      std::cout << std::endl;
      // Min value for delta. 0.000000014 causes boost Andoyer to fail.
      const double DELTA(0.000000015);
      std::pair<double, double> near_equator_east (0.0, 90.0 - DELTA);
      std::pair<double, double> near_equator_west (0.0, -90.0 + DELTA);
      std::cout << "GeographicLib near antipodal\n";
      double distance_metres(0.0);
      geod.Inverse(near_equator_east.first, near_equator_east.second,
                   near_equator_west.first, near_equator_west.second, distance_metres);
      std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n";
      std::pair<double, double> near_north_pole   (90.0 - DELTA, 0.0);
      std::pair<double, double> near_south_pole   (90.0 + DELTA, 0.0);
      geod.Inverse(near_north_pole.first, near_north_pole.second,
                   near_south_pole.first, near_south_pole.second, distance_metres);
      std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n\n";
      std::pair<double, double> equator_east (0.0, 90.0);
      std::pair<double, double> equator_west (0.0, -90.0);
      std::cout << "GeographicLib antipodal\n";
      geod.Inverse(equator_east.first, equator_east.second,
                   equator_west.first, equator_west.second, distance_metres);
      std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n";
      std::pair<double, double> north_pole   (90.0, 0.0);
      std::pair<double, double> south_pole   (90.0, 0.0);
      geod.Inverse(north_pole.first, north_pole.second,
                   south_pole.first, south_pole.second, distance_metres);
      std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n\n";
      std::pair<double, double> JFK   (40.6, -73.8);
      std::pair<double, double> LHR   (51.6, -0.5);
      std::cout << "GeographicLib verify distance\n";
      geod.Inverse(JFK.first, JFK.second,
                   LHR.first, LHR.second, distance_metres);
      std::cout << "\tJFK to LHR distance:\t" << distance_metres << std::endl;
      return 0;

    I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

  • Charles Karney

    Charles Karney - 2016-01-17

    You have the position of the south pole wrong. Please try applying this patch:

    --- code.cpp.orig       2016-01-17 10:28:35.363515668 -0500
    +++ code.cpp    2016-01-17 10:27:51.907070615 -0500
    @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
       std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n";
       std::pair<double, double> near_north_pole   (90.0 - DELTA, 0.0);
    -  std::pair<double, double> near_south_pole   (90.0 + DELTA, 0.0);
    +  std::pair<double, double> near_south_pole   (-90.0 + DELTA, 0.0);
       geod.Inverse(near_north_pole.first, near_north_pole.second,
                    near_south_pole.first, near_south_pole.second, distance_metres);
    @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
       std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n";
       std::pair<double, double> north_pole   (90.0, 0.0);
    -  std::pair<double, double> south_pole   (90.0, 0.0);
    +  std::pair<double, double> south_pole   (-90.0, 0.0);
       geod.Inverse(north_pole.first, north_pole.second,
                    south_pole.first, south_pole.second, distance_metres);
    @@ -83,4 +83,3 @@
       return 0;


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