

Nikolay Genov

Java XML parser. Automatic. Just Java Classes with fields. No code.

See the examples in src/test/java/baba/tonka/ is the simple one, and the more complicated one, with XML namespaces etc.

  1. Basicliy if you have a xml like this


<cartcolor shade="gray">blue</cartcolor> </cart>

<!-- multiple nested elements-->
<product type="complex">
    <name id="k123">krusha123</name>
<product type="complex">
    <name id="b123">banan123</name>
<product type="complex">
<product type="no_name_and_id_but_hasText">I am a product

* You define a Java classes like this


public class Cart implements IXmlElement {
    public XmlTextElement number;
    public CartColor cartColor;
    public Product[] product;

    public static class Product extends XmlTextElement {
        public String type;//attribute
        public Name name;
        public XmlTextElement weight;//just text

    public static class Name extends XmlTextElement {
        public String id;

public class CartColor extends XmlTextElement {
    public String shade;//attribute


* call a parser like this
    Cart cart = new Cart();
    ProcessXml.fromJdomElement(doc.getRootElement(), cart);
    assertEquals("alfa123", cart.number._mgXmlTextValue);
    assertEquals("blue", cart.cartColor._mgXmlTextValue);
and you have the the values from XML usable in Java (in the form of fields)

* You can also do the reverse and produce XML strings like this
    Cart cart = new Cart();
    ProcessXml.fromJdomElement(doc.getRootElement(), cart);

    Element jdomElement = ProcessXml.toJdomElement("cart", cart);
    System.out.println("processed no namaspace xml \n" + new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()).outputString(jdomElement));


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