
Genode OS Framework release 22.02

The majority of the development work during the current release cycle was focused on topics beyond the visible surface, ranging from the reorganization of the code base for streamlining the targeting of new hardware, over the tightening of foundational framework APIs, to the raising of the default warning level used when building genuine Genode components. Over the course of this infrastructural work, almost no component was left unturned.

Functionality-wise, improved 3D acceleration on Intel GPUs becomes available in VirtualBox 6, Sculpt OS evolves to a versatile framework for OS appliances, Genode runs on the Pinephone and starts to interact with the modem, and we updated our USB host-controller driver for PC to Linux 5.14.

Read about all changes in the comprehensive release documentation.

Posted by Christian Helmuth 2022-02-28

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