
Genode OS Framework release 19.05

The current release targets various topics ranging from the introduction of our kernel-agnostic virtualization interface, which enables the user-level VMMs Seoul and VirtualBox to make use of hardware-assisted virtualization across supported kernels/hypervisors, right up to the ability to run Tomcat and Spring with our port of OpenJDK on ARM and x86.

Further notable highlights of the release are the update of our tool chain (GCC 8.2, binutils 2.32) including support for 64-bit ARM (AARCH64), unified build-directories across different boards (esp. on ARM), performance optimizations of our custom base-hw kernel, and updates for the Zynq platform and Intel network drivers. Also, the downloadable Genode Foundations book experienced its yearly update.

The whole story with detailed information about all changes and improvements can be found in the release documentation at

Posted by Christian Helmuth 2019-05-29

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