
Genode OS Framework release 16.08

Genode 16.08 brings lots of improvements ranging from base-platform support over networking and virtualization to a new tool for statistical profiling. We are proud to announce that we support seL4 as base platform for dynamic and interactive scenarios on x86. The new version enables users of seL4 to compose dynamic operating systems from a plethora of ready-to-use Genode components. Further, the Muen developers contribute their efforts in running unmodified guest operating systems on top their separation kernel with a port of VirtualBox 4. As we consider VirtualBox as key feature of Genode, this release includes a first experimental version of VirtualBox 5 on top of the NOVA kernel. Another highlight of the new version is a virtual networking component for routing and NAT accompanied by the ability to use the TOR network.

Please consult the release documentation at for details about all improvements of the current release.

Posted by Christian Helmuth 2016-08-31

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