
Could not open file ""

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-04-03

    Yesterday I stubled across Genode and wanted to try it on my virtual machine. This is exactly what I did:

    cd ~/genode
    sudo tar xPfj genode-toolchain-12.11-x86_64.tar.bz2.tar.bz2
    tar -xvf genode-13.02.tar.bz2
    cd genode-13.02
    ./tool/create_builddir linux_x86 BUILD_DIR=build.lx
    cd build.lx
    sudo make run/demo

    The demo seems to be running. But the output of make was something like:

    using run script /home/pramod/genode/genode-13.02/base-linux/run/env
    using run script /home/pramod/genode/genode-13.02/os/run/
    building targets:  core init drivers/timer server/nitpicker server/liquid_framebuffer app/launchpad app/scout test/nitpicker server/nitlog drivers/framebuffer drivers/pci drivers/input
    spawn make core init drivers/timer server/nitpicker server/liquid_framebuffer app/launchpad app/scout test/nitpicker server/nitlog drivers/framebuffer drivers/pci drivers/input
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/pramod/genode/genode-13.02/build.lx'
    checking library dependencies...
    Skip target drivers/framebuffer/fiasco_ux because it requires fiasco
    Skip target drivers/framebuffer/omap4 because it requires omap4
    Skip target drivers/framebuffer/pl11x/pbxa9 because it requires pl11x platform_pbxa9
    Skip target drivers/framebuffer/pl11x/vea9x4 because it requires pl11x platform_vea9x4
    Skip target drivers/framebuffer/pl11x/vpb926 because it requires pl11x platform_vpb926
    Skip target drivers/framebuffer/vesa because it requires vesa
    Skip target drivers/input/fiasco_ux because it requires fiasco
    Skip target drivers/input/ps2/pl050 because it requires pl050
    Skip target drivers/input/ps2/x86 because it requires ps2
    Skip target drivers/pci/device_pd because it requires nova
      Library platform
      Library mini_c
      Library libz_static
      Library libpng_static
      Library syscall
      Library base-common
      Library startup
      Library cxx
      Library base
      Library launchpad
      Library blit
      Library scout_widgets
      Program app/scout/genode/scout
      Program core/core
      Program drivers/framebuffer/pl11x/
      Library lx_hybrid
      Program drivers/framebuffer/sdl/fb_sdl
      Program drivers/input/dummy/dummy_input_drv
      Program drivers/pci/x86/pci_drv
      Library alarm
      Library timer
      Program drivers/timer/timer
      Library init_pd_args
      Program init/init
      Program server/liquid_framebuffer/liquid_fb
      Program server/nitlog/nitlog
      Program server/nitpicker/genode/nitpicker
      Program test/nitpicker/testnit
      Program app/launchpad/launchpad
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/pramod/genode/genode-13.02/build.lx'
    genode build completed
    spawn ./core
    int main(): --- create local services ---
    int main(): --- start init ---
    int main(): transferred 17592186044415 MB to init
    int main(): --- init created, waiting for exit condition ---
    [init] Could not open file ""
    Quota exceeded! amount=4096, size=4096, consumed=4096
    [init] upgrading quota donation for SIGNAL session
    [init -> timer] args='label="nitpicker", ram_quota=4096'
    Quota exceeded! amount=4096, size=4096, consumed=4096
    [init -> nitpicker] upgrading quota donation for SIGNAL session
    [init -> launchpad] Could not open file ""
    [init -> launchpad] Could not open file "config"
    [init -> launchpad] Could not obtain config file
    [init -> fb_sdl] creating virtual framebuffer for mode 1024x768@16
    [init -> nitpicker] framebuffer is 1024x768@1
    [init -> nitpicker] create session with args: fb_format=1, label="launchpad", ram_quota=1646592
    [init -> nitpicker] Could not open file "config"
    [init -> nitpicker] Could not obtain config file
    [init -> nitpicker] create session with args: fb_width=400, fb_height=1504, fb_format=1, label="launchpad", ram_quota=1211392
    [init -> timer] args='label="launchpad", ram_quota=4096'
    Quota exceeded! amount=4096, size=4096, consumed=4096
    [init -> launchpad] upgrading quota donation for SIGNAL session
    [init -> launchpad] --- entering main loop ---

    As you can see. There are errors like: Could not open file "" and Could not open file "config" in the output.

    Am I missing something? Please help.

  • Norman Feske

    Norman Feske - 2013-04-03

    Thanks for giving Genode a try, and for the detailed report. The messages you observed are actually not errors but are the normal behaviour. They are merely diagnostic.

    The message

    Could not open file ""

    is produced by the init process, which tries to look up the dynamic linker when started. Because the demo scenario does not use any dynamically linked executables, the dynamic linker is not needed in this case. So the lookup fails. For scenarios where shared libraries are used, the message turned out to be very useful. So we leave it on by default.

    The message

    Could not open file "config"

    is printed by the nitpicker GUI server, which accepts an optional configuration. Because the demo scenario works nicely with the defaults, we don't provide a configuration.

    In short, there is nothing to worry about. Congrats for the first steps into Genode! :-) Now that you have Genode running on Linux, you could try to run the same scenario on a microkernel of your choice, for example the NOVA hypervisor.  If you like to continue your exploration this way, you may find the documentation of the base platforms useful.

    Btw, this forum is pretty much deserted. The main point of discussion is the mailing list of the project. Maybe you'd like to join? This way, your questions will reach a broader audience. See

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thank you for the reply. (even if the forum is deserted :-) ) I will join the mailing lists and will proceed to give a try on NOVA. Thanks for the links too.


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