
Nix or rkt

  • mrmcq2u

    mrmcq2u - 2015-04-07

    On the roadmap I saw that part of the November release will be dedicated towards trying to get package management sorted out on genode. The nix package manager was briefly mentioned earlier in the roadmap.

    I was wondering if this decision is set in stone and whether something like rkt might prove to be a better alternative.

    The latest release of rkt has started the process of allowing it to run on alternative operating systems.

    stage1 from source
    When executing application containers, rkt uses a modular approach (described in the architecture documentation) to support swappable, alternative execution environments. The default stage1 that we develop with rkt itself is based on systemd, but alternative implementations can leverage different technologies like KVM-based virtual machines to execute applications.

    In earlier versions of rkt, the pre-bundled stage1 was assembled from a copy of the CoreOS Linux distribution image. We have been working hard to decouple this process to make it easier to package rkt for different operating systems and in different build environments. In rkt 0.5, the default stage1 is now constructed from source code, and over the next few releases we will make it easier to build alternative stage1 images by documenting and stabilizing the ABI."

  • Norman Feske

    Norman Feske - 2015-04-08

    Thank you for pointing us to the rkt project.

    Nothing is set in stone. The direction of development regarding this particular topic mostly depends on the interests and preferences of the involved developers. It just happened that Nix spawned the interest of several of us developers and it already greatly influenced the design of our tools for supporting 3rd-party software. So we like it. But that does not say that we won't like rkt, too. :-)

    Your idea may have a wider reach if you posted on our mailing list [1] instead of this forum. When introducing your idea, it would be good to explain the incentive behind it and what benefit you think rkt would bring to the Genode world. If proposing something as an alternative as you just did, it would be sensible to point out the pros and cons of both options.



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