
Genode for a modern BBS box system?

  • Chris

    Chris - 2014-01-12

    We have an idea of a system but still we missing the architectural concept and where we can start if we for example want to build our box on Genode.

    I just describe the overall concept.

    Our idea is kind of revival of the mailbox BBS era. This era with boxes and networks like Fidonet. Maybe some of you still know.
    The reason is that modern operating system are much to complex, to insecure and not really matching what we plan to do.

    I found the "Plan 9 OS" that tried to consequently define all as a file and quite easy to understand. Also we could define the "Union Directories"

    as kind of box to box subscriptions. For example: If the box "Otto" opens it's "File Space" to other boxes, the other boxes can catch his offer / menu file for example otto.mnu. But the subscriber "Heinz" for example not only connects "his union" to Otto, but also to "Fritz". So he pulls otto.mnu and fritz.mnu and out of this files the program generates a new menu for the user. Still not know what kind of representation. In former BBS times would be ANSI / RIP, in modern times maybe a HTML / VRML.

    But there are new developments. The Terminal in modern times is more like RDP sessions in Windows or UXP sessions together with a NComputing ZeroClient. I read a little bit about Genode-FX and a DOpE Window Server, Nitpicker, Scout Tutorial Browser etc. and find it quite interesting. So, the question would be if this could be an "easy usable graphical terminal" that "normal sysops" can define. Sure, we could define an own easy graphics definition for what we need that also people that cannot program can define there files at the local file space.

    The usage would not be at the box itself. The box is only a "Mini Home Server" like a BBS that each one in household can connect to by graphical Terminalsession. My wife would still keep her Mac Book Air as my daughter uses iPad. The Terminal would connect, the rest is all at the Box like a Terminal Server.

    The Microkernel concepts seams good for what we plan, the hardware we would need I keep open but would be kind of Mini-ITX Board size without active cooling vent (noise). The idea of that Genode-Framework ( is defined as an small secure modular and well defined OS to build on top of an L4/Fiasco Microkernel but without problem to set L4Linux Emulation on top etc. if needed.

    Would Genode-Framework be a solution for our community as a new networked OS or we better realize with Plan 9 / Inferno file based / P9 union based Line?

    The network infrastructure itself we already use with hyperboria network by boxes. Now we looking for a modern BBS rebuild strategy / OS for the BBS-Box itself.

  • Chris

    Chris - 2014-01-14

    ok, I think Minix or Plan 9 better matching to our "small box" idea. I get the feeling that Genode Framework is Microkernal and isolated at a good idea, but a much to big and complicated approch for what we want to realize.

  • Christian Helmuth

    Sorry, I missed your postings as I got no notification about them via email. Please feel invited to discuss this on our mailing list


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