
make run/demo -> /bin/bash: c++: Kommando nicht gefunden. (genode 14.02)

  • Wolfgang Schmidt


    i tried to run genode for first time and get the following output:
    /bin/bash: c++: Kommando nicht gefunden.

    I freshly installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x64.
    After readin the prerequisited, i installed the following in the following order:
    sudo -s
    make -v ->GNU Make 3.81
    apt-get install libSDL-dev
    apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev -> shows it is already newest version
    apt-get install tk8.5 tcl8.5
    apt-get install expect
    apt-get install byacc
    apt-get install qemu
    apt-get install genisoimage

    Afterwards i extracted genode 14.02 to a user directory
    tar -xfc genode-14.02.tar.bz2
    and extracted the toolchain
    tar xPfj genode-toolchain-12.11-x86_64.tar.bz2

    Next i went to genode directory
    cd genode-14.02
    ./tool/create_builddir linux_x86 BUILD_DIR=build.lx
    cd build.lx
    make run/demo

    Result (shortened):

    Program drivers/framebuffer/sdl/fb_sdl
    COMPILE fb_sdl.o
    COMPILE input.o
    LINK fb_sdl
    /bin/bash: c++: Kommando nicht gefunden.
    make[3]: [fb_sdl] Fehler 127
    [fb_sdl.prg] Fehler 2
    make[1]: [gen_deps_and_build_targets] Fehler 2
    make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/genodetest/genode-14.02/build.1x'
    Error: Genode build failed
    [run/demo] Fehler 252

    Can you help showing what is going wrong?

    I assumed that the c++ compiler in /usr/local/genode-gcc should be used as i have not created a ~/genode-14.02/etc directory with a tools.conf file

    Is there a system gcc installation needed?

    Best regards

  • Christian Helmuth

    Hello Wolfgang,

    it seems you uncovered a deficiency in the tutorial, which does not mention the dependency on a working host toolchain. I suggest to

    sudo apt-get install build-essential

    Also, I openend an issue at

    Thanks and Happy hacking

  • Wolfgang Schmidt

    Hi Christian,
    thanks for the fast response.
    I tried to avoid to install build essentials first, becaue of the reasonings for own toolchain.

    With "apt-get install build-essential" the build seems to be complete, but in the end it stops at

    [init -> nitpicker] create session with args: label="launchpad", ram_quota=12288

  • Christian Helmuth

    Hello Wolfgang,

    that ist not expected. The log output should look more like

    [init -> nitpicker] create session with args: label="launchpad", ram_quota=12288
    [init -> launchpad] Warning: Ignoring unsupported tag <config>.
    [init -> launchpad] --- entering main loop ---

    So it seems the launchpad application did not start correctly.

    If the application crashed, e.g. because of a segmentation fault, this is logged by the Linux kernel. You can use the dmesg tool to look into the kernel log. Watch out for messages including " APP[PID]: segfault at".

    I also wonder if an black SDL window is opened if you run the demo? The window should pop up after the fb_sdl framebuffer driver was initialized. I propose to post the complete log for further investigation.

    BTW, would you mind to take the discussion to the mailing list as this forum ist just there to provide an easy entry to the community. But the real technical stuff happens on the list ;-)



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