
GENalogical Information Organizer / News: Recent posts

Please stand by

We are delayed!!! in a few days, probably in the middle of this week we are going to release version 0.2

Posted by Adrian Gutarra Sebastian 2001-08-26

Development Schedule

It's time to explain how I will work. The first release is a big step saying that this is here. We have two next until the next version will be release, and so on until version 0.6, there will be features freeze and 3 weeks between releases going to the great 0.1. So there are more than 5 months until this software will good enought to all of you. Maybe with your help, this will be true. Everybody with enought free time and a free mind is welcome to this projects. We need people who can make icons, logo, webs sites, etc. and programmers to develop the gedcom library, and to make Genio plenty of features. So good luck!

Posted by Adrian Gutarra Sebastian 2001-08-14


Welcome everybody. We are a few days from the first release of genio. But first, this is an software build in our free time and is a far long from a enough good user software. So please, in the mid-time, consider using other genealogical software like gramps or lifelines. And if you want to help us please let us known.

Posted by Adrian Gutarra Sebastian 2001-08-05